Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Investigations of the risks and challenges with offshore outsourcing Research Paper
Examinations of the dangers and difficulties with seaward re-appropriating - Research Paper Example IT organizations re-appropriate their programming procedure. In spite of being financially savvy, created nations faces a few dangers and difficulties re-appropriating their IT. These likewise incorporate shrouded costs brought about during the redistributing procedure. These elements have impeded the fulfillment of the ideal compensation rate investment funds. Now and again, organizations receive this work exchange play with almost no respect of the dangers, challenges or shrouded costs included prompting later laments. These incorporate separation, seller choice, classification, chain the executives, decreased pay hole, rivalry, consistence dangers among others. India has profited most from IT offshoring because of its actually capable labor and huge pool of English talking individuals. Dangers and difficulties Challenges of separation and progress According to Gonzalez et al (2010), significant stretch represents a test in merchant choice. This power IT organizations in created na tions to depend on specialists in the remote nation thus making the underlying procedure costly. The significant distance between the nation of cause and the seller prompts high voyaging costs. This is on the grounds that the organization the executives needs to make normal direct observing of the business procedure in the outside nation to guarantee smooth activity and support of value guidelines. This prompts extra costs that take steps to wipe the foreseen reserve funds. During the seaward re-appropriating, progress has been seen as a costly piece of the business. Organizations need to rebuild their conveyance pyramids so as to defeat the operational intricacies of seaward re-appropriating. The requirement for rebuilding gets a few organizations by surprise. This prompts critical increment in venture costs in manners that were not expected (Doh 2005). The importation of laborers with outside information is fundamental during the change stage. These laborers are generally imported from the motherland of the organization making the seaward redistributing. The imported specialists are required to figure out how applications work, make required documentation and inquiry seaward staff. They smooth up the necessities procedure and diminish modify. Some of them are acquired as business examiners or venture chiefs. Be that as it may, this isn't manageable for long if at all the organization needs to eliminate work costs. Now and again, the imported staff experience language and social obstructions during their seaward business relationship. Correspondence trouble makes it trying for them to work with staff in the seller nation. This implies the laborers of the merchant nation will most likely be unable to get all the headings they requirement for viable and quality activities (Herath and Kishore 2009). There have been worries from a portion of the shoppers concerning the specialized help and levels client care offered manages laborers because of language hindrance. A genuine harm to specialized help and nature of client care influences the market. Clients may free trust in the nature of items being offered to them. At the point when the test of separation is exacerbated with language and social obstructions, it makes it hard for the inland and seaward groups to work as a sound group. It additionally prompts decreased adequacy in task assignments, venture delays and missed prerequisites (Falk and Wolfmayr 2008). As per Raisinghani et al (2008), the combined aftereffect of the difficulties of separation and, language and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
HR manager Free Essays
As the Assistant to the HR supervisor, I would make an obligatory necessity that every single approaching representative must finish another program that was made by me with in their initial 90 days. This program would be intended to guarantee that our new ability comprehends the significance of cooperating. My program would incorporate these three key standards of cooperating. We will compose a custom paper test on HR director or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now The primary guideline would be on the most proficient method to adequately impart as a group. It Is Important when cooperating as a group that all indispensable data Is conveyed among one another In a reasonable positive way. The following rule I would concentrate on In my program would have ur Incoming representatives take a shot at a gathering trust work out. To guarantee an elite group when cooperating, the colleagues must have the option to confide in all the Individuals In the gathering. The last rule I would Implement Into my program as the associate to the HR administrator would be an assorted variety workshop. This workshop will get ready Incoming representatives to connect inventively, and work out troublesome circumstances with companions of a wide range of foundations. ncoming representatives will discover promptly that there is a significant spotlight on cooperation all through their preparation. In their first week I would have them center around how to viably ommunicate to their companions in the workforce. I would set them up in gatherings, and have them start with ice breakers, at that point proceed onward to a little community oriented venture. I trust that they discover that successful c orrespondence is significant, not exclusively to share the best possible measure of data, yet by additionally realizing how to talk in an expert way. You generally need to abstain from talking down, and yelping requests to your collaborators when cooperating. Compelling correspondence is unimaginable on the off chance that you don't converse with your colleagues in proficient way. When the new approaching representatives have figured out how to impart adequately when cooperating, I ould then have them take an interest in trust building works out. We as a whole realize that trust is the structure obstructs behind any great relationship, and I would need our new approaching representatives to have a decent working relationship, and to have trust among one another. A portion of these trust building activities would incorporate gathering ventures. These ventures are to be intended to have every individual from the gathering to finish a specific assignment. To achieve the final product, the general objective everybody should play separated. Gatherings that total the task will see that their trust and collaboration lead them to their finishing. Different gatherings that didn't complete will likewise perceive how Important trust and collaboration is to their prosperity. The last key rule I would Implement in my program for new Incoming representatives Is an assorted variety workshop. Decent variety In the working environment has numerous advantages to It! Some key focuses that I would need my Incoming representatives to get from the workshop will be cooperating with different societies to cultivate an increasingly inventive and Innovative workforce. Multicultural representatives bring an assortment of bring new Ideas, and proposals to the table. Numerous Ideas that are invigorating, and some of the time very Innovating. I would need the Incoming representatives cap are employed for administration or administrative posltlons to truly concentrate on decent variety when Interviewing, and selecting ability. Recrultlng from a different pool of up-and-comers implies a progressively qualified workforce. A differing and comprehensive workforce likewise helps Duslnesses av010 worker turnover costs I do accept that my program that will be turning out to our approaching representatives won't just be advantageous to their own proficient turn of events, yet additionally to our associations. The three key standards recorded in my program will have our staff arranged to cooperate as a profoundly energetic proficient group! Step by step instructions to refer to HR supervisor, Papers
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Ethical Decision-Making Manual For Helping Professionals By Steinman,
Ethical Decision-Making Manual For Helping Professionals By Steinman, Ethical Decision-Making Manual For Helping Professionals By Steinman, Richardson, And Mcenroe â€" Assignment Example > 15 May 2006The Importance of Ethical Decision Making Styles for ProfessionalsThe Traps within Ethical Decision MakingIn today’s professional world ethics is an extremely important part of any professional’s career. Without the art of ethical decision making an individual is not going to get very far. They have to know exactly how to approach certain business situations, and yet they have to be able to get their point across precisely and efficiently at the same time. It can be difficult but there are various literary materials out in the market now to help professionals learn the basics of ethical decision making styles in a cohesive manner. The Ethical Decision Making Manual is one of these literary books and it provides enriching information that will keep a professional steered in the right direction in order to bolster more confidence and adapt to sure fire ways of making the appropriate decisions at business functions or in their daily work, of course when it is necessary . For those that study the area of ethics in business, they are aware that there are many traps an individual in a professional position can fall into, one of these being focused on the idea of “common sense†and “objectivityâ€. Often all it takes to make an appropriate professional decision is to use common sense but at the same time this is said there are also instances where common sense is not the sole answer to solving a dilemma in a professional manner. You have to be attuned to the art of objectivity to and not be afraid to object to situations in which you might not agree. In fact this is what makes a part of a professional individual. Common sense is often used as a good guide to help people come up with a resolution to certain ethical dilemmas in their professional life, though it isn’t always easy. Many professionals find it easier to use common sense techniques to get past an ethical dilemma rather than being objective because even though objectivity is a give n in any professional position, it can be hard to incorporate in when an individual has to weigh a clients personal privacy rights and the concept of confidentiality, especially if they are in the professional field of law or medicine. As has been stated, the best way to get through many obstacles is by using common sense which ultimately is what the professional has learned and observed through his or her own personal experiences in business matters. However each and every dilemma is different and therefore the many steps of making ethical decisions comes into play in a variety of ways within the professional world. The mistake that many professionals make however is letting their own judgments from past experiences mare their viewpoints in a professional manner. Often many business people fall into an ethical trap when they try and base decisions on their past experiences, even though it is these very experiences that sometimes teach and guide them in their own work ethics. That is why there must be a boundary established between a professionals personal life and view points and the area of the professional world, otherwise there can be numerous complications that will arise. The personal needs, feelings, and outside social experiences need to remain separated from the business environment in order to exude a more professional atmosphere and better frame of mind to deal with any professional adversities. This is why it is so very important to study the different techniques that can be used to solve ethical dilemmas through the various manuals that have been established such as “The Ethical Decision Making Manual†by Steinman, et al (1998). Many professionals have found by following the guidelines in manuals such as these it assists them in keeping an open mind in order to bring a more precise applicability into solving the myriad of problems that take place in the professional work place and the surrounding environment.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Advance Practice Nursing - 1472 Words
Introduction â€Å"Advance Practice Nurse (APN) is an umbrella term given to a Registered Nurse who has acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for extended practice†. This definition of APN was adapted from International council of Nurses’ in 2005 by Singapore nursing Board (Kannusamy, 2007). The American Association of colleges of Nursing defines advance practice nursing as licensed registered nurses prepared at the graduate level in nursing as a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife or certified registered nurse anaesthetist to provide direct patient care. (Ruel Motyka, 2009). As u can see, there are actually many different definitions for Advance†¦show more content†¦Content APN in Singapore has 3 different roles, firstly Clinical roles, where they have to assess, diagnose, prescribe diagnostic test and treatment plan within establish guidelines, to do follow up care and educations to the patients, followed by Professional roles, where they have to educate other health care worker by teaching and mentoring them, as well as, need to do research and also need to implement Evidence Based Practices, lastly Administrative Roles, which is to develop nursing specific policies and procedures and clinical leadership (MeiLing, 2009). Role of an APN in overseas consists of evaluating, diagnosing, and taking care of normal health problems patients, APN must also be able to perform and initiate diagnostic actions, prescribe medication (limited at the movement of most country) and treatments, as well as lead and coordinate health promotion, additionally, APN must be able to refer a patient to other care institutions and also must be able to register and admit patients from other care institutions, moreover, and APN should lead, evaluate, develop, and improve nursing activities as well as engage in research (Nieminen et al., 2011). The role of an APN are rather similar in both Singapore and Overseas, they must be able to assess patient, order diagnostic tests related to history of the patient, daily follow up on patient, educateShow MoreRelatedConceptual Frameworks for Advance Practice Nursing753 Words  | 4 Pagesadvanced practice nursing play an integral role in the guiding of practice, formulating educational curricula, and the overall development of the specialty. The continued evolution of advanced practice nursing has seemingly sparked numerous conceptual models influencing practice. Many models share common similarities, while each maintains their own unique characteristics specific to their developers and contributors. Ann Hamric developed Hamric’s Integrative Model of Advanced Practice Nursing in 1996Read MoreReadiness for Advance Practice Nursing Essay1229 Words  | 5 Pagescompelling journey in nursing. Although I have been a registered nurse for three years, my passion for nursing started a decade ago. 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The way to comprehend this information is by using the structuralRead MoreEvidence Based Practice Changes By Jean Martin Charcot And Floren ce Nightingales Era1077 Words  | 5 Pages Evidence-based Practice Changes â€Å"To take away from neurology all the discoveries made by Charcot would be to render it unrecognizable†(Jay, 2000, p. 10). However, nurses of today recognize that had Lidwina of Schiedam lived during Jean Martin Charcot’s (1825-1893) and Florence Nightingale’s era (1859-1969), Lidwina’s nursing care would have been person-centered and focused on the environment and her physical factors (Alligood, 2014; Murray McDonald, 2005). Health care professionals of todayRead MoreComparison and Analysis Across Theories1142 Words  | 5 PagesThe purpose of the nursing theories is to provide an interrelating framework focusing on the nursing practice. 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Moreover, this allows nurses to remain currentRead MoreEvidence Based Practice Of Health And Implements High Quality Care Essay1321 Words  | 6 PagesEvidence-based practice benefits all participants of health and implements high quality care. Patients should find comfort in knowing the care they are receiving is the best available. Health facilities provide cost-appropriate care, using resources for effective interventions. Nurses implement practices in-line with the best evidence available. This quality of care involves critically evaluating whether practices are appropriate and applicable to care, and consistently seeking to improve and build
Friday, May 8, 2020
A Time For Choosing By Ronald Regan - 1447 Words
In Ronald Regan’s speech, â€Å"A Time for Choosing†he starts by saying that for most of his life he was a Democrat and that â€Å"I have recently seen fit to follow another course. He then goes on to talk about the economy saying that the tax burden is one that no nation in history has ever survived. He then goes on to illustrate with facts saying that â€Å"Every 37 cents out of every dollar earned in this country is the tax collectors share, and yet our government continues to spend 17 million dollars a day more that the government takes in.†He also says that that out of the last 34 plus year 28 of those have not seen a balanced budget. Additionally the treasury only has 15 million dollars in gold and that 27.3 billion dollars of that is claimed by foreign governments. He then switches gears talking now about preserving peace and asking how can we preserve peace when the country is engaged in war in South Vietnam. He asks the if they (The Democrats) â€Å" Mean peace, or do they mean we just want to be left in peace.†Saying that anywhere there are Americans fighting and dying there can be no real peace. He makes this point to say that peace is not just given it has to be earned and that there are always people out there that desire nothing more than to see our country and the rest of the free world in flames or under their heel. Regan then changes gears again and talk about how the American system of government is the most original plan in the history of the world. HeShow MoreRelatedEssay on An Analysis of â€Å"A Time For Choosing†2096 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿Darian Ms. White English 101.42 2 October 2013 An Analysis of â€Å"A Time For Choosing†Millions of viewers tuned into the National Broadcasting Company television network for a special broadcast on the 27th of October. Viewers were anticipating Ronald Reagan’s â€Å"A Time for Choosing†speech. Reagan was acknowledged for his acting in motion pictures and television episodes since 1937, and was now being seen in an unfamiliar role. Reagan emerged in support of the Republican nominee Barry GoldwaterRead MoreRonald Reagan’s A Time For Choosing Speech Essay1784 Words  | 8 PagesOctober. Viewers were anticipating Ronald Reagan’s â€Å"A Time for Choosing†speech. Reagan was acknowledged for his acting in motion pictures and television episodes since 1937, and was now being seen in an unfamiliar role. Reagan emerged in support of the Republican nominee Barry Goldwater. Barry Morris Goldwater was a businessman and five-term United States Senator from Arizona and the Republican Partys nominee for president in the 1964 election. â€Å" A Time for Choosing†was effective, because he gaveRead MoreIM Writing My Report On A Nation Forged By War Over The1662 Words  | 7 PagesI m writing my report on a nation forged by war over the many years this nations independence has been led by many political leaders such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Benjamin Franklin, Ronald Regan, George .W. Bush and many more the United States owes its very existence to many wars that’s taken place such as the war of independence which Franklin Roosevelt truly believed in as of 1776. But that wasn’t the only war that the U.S defined as its only independence warRead MoreCigarette Advertisment Essay1549 Words  | 7 PagesCigarette companies persuaded their audience through beauty themes, by implying they would look great as a result of weight-loss by choosing to smoke cigarettes instead of eating and by using toddlers in adverts to attract attention in the female region through motherh ood. An example of this is Appendix 2, from a collection of cigarette advertisements from the time (1951), shows a baby saying, ‘’Before you scold me, Mom†¦ maybe you’d better light up a Marlboro,‘’ this makes women, particularly mothersRead MoreHow Is The Handmaids Tale As A Dystopian Society1419 Words  | 6 Pagesover one s body, with or without influence from loved ones, or figures of authority, who use worker s bodies as if they were clay, in order to manipulate them for their own personal again; and finally, the ability to have the right for privacy and time alone. In order to grow as a person, as well as the ability to be multi-faceted; these basic necessities, ought to be granted for every human being. Year, after year, through the hands of authority, these features are ridden away; for children, womenRead MoreCrisis, Emergency Response and Plan1663 Words  | 7 PagesEach procedure is designed with direct bullet statements that a re easy to understand and follow. This is essential during an emergency situation when it is necessary to react quickly in order to maintain calm and order. A disaster can happen at any time, and the region will determine the type of disaster encountered. Schools are required to develop a disaster plan to anticipate any kind of threat. â€Å"When developing an effective disaster response program schools benefit from specialized guidance fromRead MoreSandra Day O Connor1912 Words  | 8 Pagesgraduated from Stanford University in 1950 with a bachelor’s degree in economics, O’Connor attended the university’s law school and received her degree in 1952, graduating third in her class. As opportunities for women lawyers were limited at the time she had to work without pay at a county attorney in California San Mateo region. From 1954-57, O Connor moved overseas and served as a civilian lawyer for the Quartermaster Masker Center in Frankfurt, Germany. She returned home in 1958 and settledRead MoreCan Human Error Be Prevented By Technology?2369 Words  | 10 Pagesuse of creating such a vessel as a quick payoff fo r commercial gain. But NASA’s employee morale was low. There was great political pressure to make a reliable vessel with a fast turnaround time which put great pressures on the NASA management team. At the same time, the President of the United States, Ronald Regan, He was pushing to declare the shuttle â€Å"operational†before the â€Å"developmental stage†was complete. The environment inside NASA was filled with conflict, stress, and short-cuts. The SpaceRead MoreThe United States President Should Not Be Limited2003 Words  | 9 Pagesat the end of every term through the process of elections. Therefore, if the people have the power to choose who they want as their president and they choose the same individual more than two times in each presidential election. The individual should be allowed to serve as president regardless of how many times they had previously served. In 1947 Senator Claude argued â€Å"I think our people are to be safely trusted with their own destiny.†This is exactly what democracy gives the people of United StatesRead MoreHow Does Margaret Atwood Establish and Develop a Dystopian Narrative in Her Novel ‚Äà ²the Handmaid‚Äà ´s Tale‚Äà ´?2152 Words  | 9 Pagesfuture, but in today’s society religion is an element of life that many people hold close allowing Atwood to engage the reader in the idea that this nightmarish world could become a reality. The Handmaid s Tale was written during the presidency of Ronald Regan, from 1981 to 1989 – during which political and religious conservatism was on the rise. The novel takes some of the positions advocated by religious conservative and exaggerates them. For example, it is no secret that many conservatives, both then
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Iran Nuclear Program Free Essays
I) Introduction Iran started their nuclear program since 1979 and claimed that the purpose is â€Å"for peaceful†but the West believes that Iran is developing weapons. The UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency published a report which complained that it had been unable to â€Å"provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared material and activities in Iran†and that it continued to have â€Å"serious concerns regarding military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program†. II) Content 1) The military force Iran wants to build deliverable nuclear weapons quickly and it may well want, at some points, to develop the bombs themselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Iran Nuclear Program or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is deeply worrying to Israel ( tai vi sao). _ It also alarms nearby states, which fear Iranian power and could lead some of them – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, perhaps Turkey – to seek nuclear weapons of their own. Many fear that this would make the region which is not stable much more terrible. _ The possibility of an Iranian bomb comes closer with every revolutions of the centrifuges in its underground enrichment plants. Israel’s director of military intelligence, General Kochavi, says that Iran has obtained 4 tones of uranium enriched to 3. 5% and another 100kg enriched to 20%. It could possibly enrich from 20% to 90% and thus, the uranium would be enough for up to four nuclear weapons. General Kochavi says that it would only take the Iranians a year to make a crude device and another one or two years to put together a nuclear warhead that would fit on a ballistic missile. _ For Israel, there is no more opportunity to effectively deal with the Iranian. Although Iran has shown some intent to return to the bargaining table with the West, little progress made in the past and Iran continues expand its uranium-enrichment capabilities with the ongoing installation of centrifuges at Natanz and Fordow, which is known as its two enrichment plant. _ Although Israel likes the use of sanctions to make Iran stop its nuclear activities, there appears to be an implicit assumption within Irael that the military force would be required to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Even the attack would be costly; Israel considers it to be a â€Å"price worth paying to remove what it considers to be an existential threat to the country†. ( Nuclear Fallout) 2) The Sanction It is true to say that If Iran were to gain a weapon only for its own protection, others in the region might then feel they need weapons too. â€Å"Saudi Arabia has said it will arm- and Pakistan is thought ready to supply a bomb in exchange for earlier Saudi backing of its own program. Turkey and Egypt, the regional powers, might conclude they have to join the nuclear club. †A Middle East with five nuclear powers riven by rivalry and sectarian feuds, each would have its fingers permanently twitching over the button, in the belief that the one that pressed first would be left standing†. There’s no wonder that some people want a pre-emptive strike. However, military action is not the best solution for stopping the nuclear program in Iran. There are 3 reason why milit ary force is not an option: First, even Israel was successful in solo missions against the weapons program of Iraq, in 1981, and Syria, in 2007; striking Iran would be much harder. Iran’s sites are spread out and some of them demand repeated hits. Iran has a number of nuclear and related missile facilities – some with hardened features- that are widely dispersed across the country, with the most well protected facilities in Iran. If an attack were designed to damage Iran’s ability to construct a nuclear weapon, it would be necessary to destroy four main targets : the uranium-enrichment halls at Natanz and Fordow; the Arak reactor and Iran’s existing stockpile of enriched uranium. All of them located in hardened area which make them difficult to be destroyed in an air launched attack. The Natanz underground plant is constructed of two-meter thick concrete walls and buried beneath estimated 10 meters soils, making it challenging target. The Fordow uranium-enrichment facility located in Tehran would be even be more difficult site for Israel to destroy since it is deeply buried in rugged mountain terrain. A successful air-launched attack on this facility would need to penetrate through a considerable volume of the mountain to collapse the facility’s interior space, which Israel munitions would struggle to achieve, and although any centrifuges operating during an attack would probably be destroyed from the ground shock, they ould be replaced relatively quickly if the facility survived and the required equipment were available. The biggest question is whether an Israel strike would have any impact on the centrifuge chamber at Fordow, said to be buried 80 meters deep. The answer is: Yes, there could be a 35% ~ 90% chance of the Israel weapons arriving at just the right place and at least one bomb would penetrate the facility if the Israel military use the F-15Is aimed the GBU-28 and GBU-27 and repeat hit several times. But even if things went off, Iran would retain the capacity to repair and reconstitute its program. Even a successful Israel strike might thus delay Iran’s progress by only three or four years. An American attack might gain five years or even ten; it could drop more bombs on more of the sites, and much bigger bombs – its B-2s carry GBU-57, weighing almost 14 tones. An American attack thus remains a possibility, and will continue to be one up to the day Iran fields weapons. But America is unlikely to rush into a strike following an Israel mission. American has its own reason not to attack Iran now. Iran is a vast populous and sophisticated country, thus, it may have secret sites to escape. Even if all its sites are hit, Iran’s nuclear know-how cannot be bombed out of existence. Nor can its network of suppliers at home and abroad. Perhaps America could bomb Iran every few years. But how would it know when and where to strike? The fail of American strike in Iraq and Afghanistan has demonstrated that a war could raise the threat of retaliation. The idea that a bomb is the only defense against an American enemy might become stronger than ever. There’s no doubt that America prefer to wait and that is one reason why it is seeking to hold Israel back. Second, the West is implementing the sanction which is designed to get Iran stop enrichment and the nations concerned about centered on sanctions as their favored policy tool. It is true that sanctions have not achieved their strategic goal of changing Iran’s nuclear policy. Nor have they met tactical success in bringing Iran return to the negotiations nuclear program. But sanctions are helping to limit Iran’s ability to quickly assemble a nuclear weapon. Sanctions have helped to restrict Iran’s ability to employ its advanced centrifuges in larger numbers. The UN Panel of Experts Established Pursuant to Resolution 1929 concluded in May 2011 report that Iran has difficulty producing some of the critical â€Å"choke points†items that are necessary to sustain and advance its centrifuge enrichment program. †The Panel of Experts’ also concluded that sanctions are blocking the trade of items related to nuclear and missile activity and thus slowing development of the programs. Iran’s missile program is dependent on foreign supply of items such as aluminum powder for production of fuel. Previously, Iran has been purchased the powder item from China but in recent months, Chinese have tightened controls on such exports. As a result, the sanction made Iran to change suppliers, which in turn is considered as difficulties to missile engineers. Additionally, the sanctions are restricting Iran’s ability to use the international financial system in support of illicit trade. â€Å"Following the EU decision, there is only one Europe-based financial institution – the Paris branch of Bank Tejarat – is available for use of Iran today. More importantly, Iran is unable to conduct business in either dollars or Euros. It therefore cannot repatriate payment except through barter. â€Å"As of August in 2011, Iran had over $20 billion locked up in escrow accounts in China, $3. 4 billion in India and almost $4 billion in South Korea. â€Å" Even though it is not a purpose of the sanctions to restrict Iranian trade overall, they are contributing to unemployment an d inflation which are reported to be 15% in Iran. There also are reports of food shortages, hoarding and a drying up of investments. Foreign reserves are running low and the economy is becoming distorted as legitimate trade shifts to the informal sector. Iran is facing a higher cost of doing business. However, America still wants to put stricter sanction which target Iran’s central bank by penalizing any foreign financial institutions doing business with it. As a result, the European Union has imposed an embargo on Iranian oil. Iran’s economy is mostly reliant on oil and gas exports, which account for 50% ~ 70% of the government’s revenues. Thus, it is estimated that Iran’s oil exports may fall about 60% of their former level. Finally, Conclusion How to cite Iran Nuclear Program, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Minimum Wages Act India free essay sample
Background A tripartite Committee Viz. , The Committee on Fair Wage was set up in 1948 to provide guidelines for wage structures in the country. The report of this Committee was a major landmark in the history of formulation of wage policy in India. Its recommendations set out the key concepts of the living wage, minimum wages†and fair wage besides setting out guidelines for wage fixation. Article 39 states that the State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards securing (a) that the citizen, men and women equally shall have the right to an adequate livelihood and (b) that there is equal pay for equal work for both men and women. Article 43 states that the State shall endeavour, by suitable legislation or economic organization or in any other way, to give all workers, agricultural, industrial or otherwise, work, a living wage, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life and full enjoyment of leisure, and social and cultural opportunities. We will write a custom essay sample on Minimum Wages Act India or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Enactment of the Minimum Wages ActHistorical Backdrop The initiative started with the resolution placed by one Shri. K. G. R. Choudhary in 1920 for setting up Boards for determination of minimum wages in each industry. The International Labour Conference adopted in 1928 Convention No. 26 and Recommendation No. 30 relating to wage fixing machinery in trades or parts of trades. On the recommendation of the Standing Labour Committee and Indian Labour Conference, a Labour Investigation Committee was appointed in 1943 to investigate into the question of wages and other matters like housing, social conditions and employment.A draft bill was considered by the Indian Labour Conference in 1945. The 8th meeting of the Standing Labour Committee recommended in 1946 to enact a separate legislation for the unorganized sector including working hours, minimum wages and paid holidays. A Minimum Wages Bill was introduced in the Central Legislative Assembly on 11. 4. 46 to provide for fixation of minimum wages in certain employments. Under the Act, Central and State Governments are appropriate Governments to (a) notify scheduled employment b) fix/revise minimum wages The Act contains list of all these employments for which minimum wages are to be fixed by the appropriate Governments. There are two parts of the Schedule. Part I has non-agricultural employments whereas Part-II relates to employment in agriculture. Under the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, both Central and State Governments are appropriate Governments to fix, review and revise the minimum wages of the workers employed in the scheduled employments under their respective jurisdictions.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
U.S. Military Intervention in Bolivia essays
U.S. Military Intervention in Bolivia essays Thirty years ago, on October 8, 1967, gunfire echoed through a steep ravine of the Andes Mountains in southern Bolivia. The guerrilla band led by Ernesto "Che" Guevara a chief lieutenant in the Sierra Maestra, author of a book on guerilla tactics, one-time president of Cubas National Bank and later Minister of Industries under Castro, and who renounced his Cuban citizenship and set off to devote his services to the revolutionary cause in other lands was pinned down and surrounded by U.S.-trained Bolivian Army Rangers. Less than a year earlier, Guevara and a team of cadres had secretly traveled from Cuba to Bolivia to launch a guerrilla war, hoping to topple Bolivia's pro-U.S. military government. Guevara had gone up into the mountains with about 50 supporters. Within months they were discovered by Bolivian troops and an intense pursuit started. Trying to escape the government forces, Guevara divided his supporters into two groups, and was never able to reunite them. His diary recor ds that, by late August, his group was exhausted, demoralized and down to 22 men. On August 31 the other group was ambushed and wiped out crossing a river. On September 26, Bolivian army units ambushed Che's remaining forces near the isolated mountain huts of La Higuera. The guerrillas found no way out of the encirclement. Several died in the shooting. Guevara himself was wounded in the leg. He and two other fighters were captured on October 8 and taken to an old one-room schoolhouse in La Higuera. The next day, October 9, a helicopter flew in a man called "Felix Ramos" who wore the uniform of a Bolivian officer. "Ramos" took charge of the prisoner. Two hours later, Che Guevara and both other guerrillas were executed. The weapons and equipment of the killers were American-made. The Bolivian officer who took Guevara prisoner had been trained at Fort Bragg at a U.S. school for army coups, murder and counterinsurgency. And the man...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
CREATING A NARRATED BOOK TRAILER I wanted a book trailer to promote my third picture book, Silly Frilly Grandma Tillie, illustrated There were two books I consulted before undertaking the creation of the trailer: Katie Daviss ebook, â€Å"How to Promote Your Children’s Book†and Darcy Pattison’s ebook, â€Å"The Book Trailer Manual†. My goal wasn’t to replicate the text of the story in the trailer, but to give viewers a feel for the characters and the plot in a very short space of time- an oral summary. The publisher’s blurb for the book was a helpful starting point but it was directed to adults. My script needed to be more child friendly and shorter. Both Davis and Pattison recommend keeping trailers to a minute or less; Pattison says images should not be on screen for more than five seconds. The final (I thought) version of the script read like a mini-movie- for each â€Å"scene†was a visual image (one of Anne Jewett’s fabulous illustrations), followed For those who are technologically challenged, like me, the website lynda.com is a good source for tutorials on using iMovie and Garage Band- a month of lessons was well worth the twenty-five dollar fee. Recording voiceovers in GarageBand is relatively simple- follow a few steps and controls will appear with record, play and rewind functions that operate like any standard recording device. Though the editing options on GarageBand are much more detailed, even a non-techie like me could easily shorten or remove sections of audio clips. The greater challenge was getting my voice right. Writing each line of script on a notecard and taping the notecard to the top of my screen was helpful, as were underlining the words I wanted to emphasize and indicating whether my voice should rise or lower at the end of a line (professional voice artists definitely deserve respect). Despite all this work, when the audio was incorporated into iMovie, there was a major problem- my audio still took up too much space. I eliminated some sound effects and some spoken lines. To more easily match the length of the narration with the corresponding image, I recorded the voiceovers directly in iMovie. This again was simple to do- select the microphone image and click on the record button. There is a three second delay until the recording begins. Repeating the first word of my line several times during this delay helped eliminate awkward pauses and throat clearing noises when I began speaking. The process of creating a narrated book trailer for the first time took many hours, but it was well worth the effort. I learned how to make podcasts, how to edit video clips, how to combine images and sound. Trust me, if I can do it, you can too! You can view the trailer on my website at www.laurieajacobs.com
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans Essay
Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans - Essay Example Marketers also need to be careful about their cost structures. Companies that seem to have firm control over their cost especially in relation to industry requirements are the primary competitors. Also, if a company operates in an industrial that is largely international, then chances are that the most competitive companies are the ones who have a well established global markets and they qualify as primary competitors. On the other hand, some companies may be operating in industries with high levels of vertical integration. For instance, a company liaises with its suppliers to create a larger market force. Such companies end up dominating the market and therefore qualify s primary competitors. (Hope, 1997) The automobile industry is affected by cost structure. It can be argued that they spend most of this cost on production and advertising. In the nineties, Honda managed to establish a name for itself especially in the US market because it invested in new technologies. Consequently, its products were superior to those ones offered by other competitors such as Toyota and it became a primary competitor for Toyota. The second approach that companies can use to identify their primary competitors is through marketing. In this approach, companies need to look out for those companies that satisfy the same needs that they do. The current market has changed drastically. Primary competitors are not just those companies offering the exact same things offered by the company; they are firms that can serve similar needs. This approach requires that marketers trace all the captivities involved while using their product and then examine what other firms perform the same... The researcher states that marketers, that are using the industrial outlook need to realize that all companies providing similar products or services fall in the same categories. Marketers need to ask themselves whether their companies represent the monopolistic structure, oligopolistic structure, monopolistic competition structure or pure competition structures since each of these structures will have different primary competitors. The first structure is made up of only one company providing a particular good or service. Such companies may not need marketers as they dominate the market. Oligopolistic structures may have some competitors in the market but they are fe in number. On the other hand, monopolistic competition applies to those who specialize in certain products. This category has to identify their competitors. Lastly, there is the pure competition structure where all competitors offer the same products. The automobile industry, that was discussed as an example in this essa y can be classified under the pure competition sector but there may be instances when it also falls under the monopolistic competition structure. The essay suggests that the competition became a major issue today, that is affecting marketing strategies and companies, that need to be aware of this. Market followers can adopt leaner production strategies and reduce prices of common products. Market challengers can use price, distribution, promotion and product innovation as ways of maintaining competitive advantage.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Comcast Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Comcast - Research Paper Example The company’s growth has considerably increased for the last few years. Secondly, DirecTV is a provider of American direct broadcast satellite service in California. The DirecTV’s satellite service was launched in 1994; it engages in the transmission of digital satellite television and audio mainly in the United States and Latin America. DirecTV had 19.2 million subscribers at the end of 2010. The third organization of choice, The Verizon Communications engages in broadband and telecommunications business globally; it is an element of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Financial position of Comcast While conducting a thorough scrutiny on the financial statements of the Comcast during the past several years, it is clear that the company is rapidly moving towards economic expansion. In 1995, the book value of a company’s share was $8.19 and it reached $15 per share in 2009. It shows that the company could double its price per share during this period of 14 years. An increase in share price is the direct indication of increased market demand for the Comcast’s services. ... It has been identified that Comcast’s net profit margin rose from 4.2% in 1999 to 8.4% in 2009 (Comcast). During this same time span, the firm’s operating margins and return on equity notably improved. Finally, the Comcast’s total selling/general/administrative expenses climbed from $5,075 billion in 2006 to $8,091 billion in 2010 (Comcast). Financial comparison As in the case of Comcast, DirecTV also shows a rampant increase in its total revenues during the last few years. The DirecTV’s total revenue indicates the figure $24,102 billion while it was $21,565 billion in 2009 (DirecTV). In contrast, Verizon’s total revenue faced a decline in 2010; it fell from $107,808 billion in 2009 to $106,565 billion in 2010. As a result, the Verizon also faced a decline in net profit by $2345 billion (Verizon). The Verizon’s financial statement reflects that its economical position is not satisfactory. The company’s net income gradually diminished a nd the Verizon even suffered a net a loss by $2,193 billion in 2008. The poor financial performance of the Verizon Communication in 2008 can be directly attributed to its increased total of selling/general/administrative expenses ($41,517 billion) (Verizon). On the other hand, it seems that the DirecTV reflects a better financial performance during the past several years except in 2009. The DirecTV’s net incomes were $1,420; $1,451; $1,521; $942; and $2,198 billions respectively in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. Although, the DirecTV struggled with $942 billion net income in 2009, it could effectively resurrect in 2010 by increasing the net income by $1,256 billion (DirecTV). Evidently differences exist in the financial statement composition of these three
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Strategic Positioning Of The Ryanair Airline Commerce Essay
Strategic Positioning Of The Ryanair Airline Commerce Essay Ryanair is a leading no frill airline in Europe and across the globe, it has managed to outperform all other airlines and in 2006, it carried over 34.8 million passengers. Ryanair is targeting low income earners and cost conscience customers 1. 2.1 PESTEL Analysis: (See appendix 7.5) PESTEL analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. It is a framework for reviewing a situation and can be applied by Ryanair to review strategic direction as well as marketing intention 4. When one aspect in the PESTEL analysis is affected, the rest will also be affected for example if the political situation of Ireland changes then the economical, technological, social, legal, economical and even environmental aspects will change 4. Ryanair is not in good terms with some governments in the European Union as well as airline industry authorities and airport regulatory bodies due to the rules and regulations they set. The EU wanted to charge tax on aviation fuel due to carbon emissions generated by the airline industries before 2010, Ryanair argued that any environmental taxations scheme should be to the benefit of more efficient carriers, so airlines with low load factors that generate high fuel consumption and emission per passenger and airline that offer connecting rather than point to point flights should be penalised thus excluding itself 5. Secondly, Ryanair protested against charges and conditions on some airports such as Stansted and Dublin. Economical conditions also affect both capital availability and cost, as well as demand 4. If demand is high and the capital is low, it will be attractive for Ryanair to invest and grow with expectations of being profitable. To influence demand Ryanair must continue to use its current strategy and improve its services and upgrade its customer care policies. The currency exchange rates affect Ryanair as they may determine whether customers will book a flight or not. If the exchange rate is high, customers will opt to use other means of transport such as the EURO express. To avoid this situation, customers can use the Euro to book flights 1. Moreover, jet fuel prices are dominated in US dollars and therefore Ryanair will have to risk paying more or less for fuel as it will include the exchange rate. The opportunity to exploit a particular strategy successfully may depend on demand which exists in growth conditions and does not in recession. Although a depressed economy will generally be a treat which results in a number of organizations going out of business, it can provide opportunities for some4. The recession decreased the number of competitors in the industry as well as weakening the remaining competition. In and after recession, customers are more willing to fly with a no frill or low cost carriers rather than a differentiated or hybrid carrier. Therefore, to certain extent the recession has had a positive impact Ryanair. The socio or cultural environment involves demand and tastes, which vary with fashion and disposable income, and general changes, can provide both opportunities and threats for Ryanair 4. Ryanair should be aware of demographics changes as the structure of the population by ages, affluence, regions, number working and so on so as to be able to take advantage when an opportunity occurs. Technological breakthroughs affect the airline industry the most. If the organization can adapt to the technological change then it will be able to overcome competition and increase its market share. The global focus in the 21st century is environmental protection. Ryanair has been able to meet the demand and standards of the world market by offering eco friendly airlines. The aircrafts produce 50% less emissions, 45% lower noise emissions per seat. A winglet modification programme on the fleet is providing better aircraft performance and a 2% reduction in fleet fuel consumption, a saving which Ryanair hopes to improve in the coming years 1. Ryanair has been using one type of airline, Boeing 737 to save cost on training staff. As Ryanair cannot dump expenses on its customers it should look for ways to reduce costs and the author believes that this is one of it 1. Legal factors affecting Ryanair is that of labour unions. Ryanair does not have a good relationship with its employees as it has refused to acknowledge unions. Secondly it is providing poor working conditions and low salaries. Although Ryanair has argued that its pilots are the best paid short haul pilots in Europe. In the autumn 2006 pilots in Ryanair lodge a complaint with the Irish Labour Relations Commission on the basis that there were significant in net salary between Ryanair and Aer Lingus pilots. 2.2 Michael Porters 5 Forces Analysis: (see appendix 7.8) The threat of substitutes in the airline industry is high as there are other means of transport to and from Europe as well as within Europe. Customers are opting to use the Euro Express (train) rather than using an airplane as it is cheaper and offers extra benefits. The Euro Express enables its customers to enjoy the scenario while offering more or less the same services as the airplane. Rivalry amongst existing firms; there are a number of competitors within the market and when the European Union commenced even more competitors entered the market. The industry is competitive and is becoming saturated. Each competitor is using a strategy to get a foot hold in the industry. Although some of the airlines are using the no frill strategy, Ryanair has been able to best them by creating a strong brand offering the lowest price fare. Bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of suppliers is low as there are many suppliers in the industry. The suppliers of the airline industry are those who supply the airline with parts such as the blades and engines, food, uniforms for the air hostess and so on. They are easily replaceable as Ryanair can get these services from any country within and outside of Europe. Ryanair as a supplier has a high bargaining power as it offers services that are unique in the market (it is the only no frill airline in the United Kingdom). Bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of buyers is very high as there are a lot of substitutes and competitors in the market. The customer can easily use his/her car to go Dublin rather than take an airplane. Secondly, as there are a number of competitors in the market, the airlines will offer discounts and promotions to attract customers and therefore customers can easily switch from one airline to another. Threats of new entrants; the biggest barrier to entering the airline industry is capital but nowadays entrepreneurs can take a loan with the bank or form an alliance such as a joint venture to overcome this barrier. The industry regulations can help decrease the number of new entrants and reduce competition within the market. There is no union among the existing firm to keep new entrants out, in other industries the existing firm come together to keep new entrants out of the industry as they would saturate the market even more. 2.3 Ratios Analysis: Ryanairs financial performance is positive, although there is still room for improvement (see appendix 7.9). The net profit margin in 2006 was lower than 2005 but Ryanair managed to increase it in the second half of 2006. The return on capital employee has been constant from 2005 to 2006. 3.0 STRATEGY CHOICES: 3.1 Strategy: Ryanairs objective is to firmly establish itself as Europes leading low-fares scheduled passenger airline through continued improvements and expanded offerings of its low-fares service. Ryanair aims to offer low fares that generate increased passenger traffic while maintaining a continuous focus on cost-containment and operating efficiencies 1. Ryanair was initially a hybrid (see appendix 7.4) as it was a full service conventional airline, in the early 1990s it become a no frill carrier under the management of Michael O Leary 1. The author believe that this move by the Chief Executive Officer has enable Ryanair to create a market peak for itself and gain market share and therefore I would not suggest a change in strategy. The industry is very competitive and is becoming saturated thus if Ryanair decides to change its strategy it will have to design and implement a new strategy that is not being used by its competitor or that has never been used in the industry. This is next to impossible as all of the strategies i.e. differentiation, cost leadership are already being used. Secondly, Ryanair would lose the foothold it has in the industry and its market share and it would have to start from scratch, which will mean more capital will have to be invested into the new strategy. Although Ryanair is using the no frill strategy1 they must be careful to not devalue the company. Currently, it has a large customer base but most of which have a very low opinion of the airline 6. Moreover, Ryanair should increase more benefits to its customers for example they should remove the 50 cent wheelchair levy that was impose on every passenger ticket 6. These small charges are making customers opt to fly with a different airline. The airline offers point to point flight 1. Ryanair uses secondary terminals to avoid crowding in the terminals as well as to decrease its turnaround time. The turnaround time is also kept to a minimum by the flight attendants cleaning the airplane instead of outsourcing professionals. Building on its success in the Ireland-U.K. market and its expansion of service to continental Europe, Ryanair intends to follow a manageable growth plan targeting specific markets to gain an advantage over its competitors. Ryanair believes it will have opportunities for continued growth by 1: Initiating additional routes from the U.K. or Ireland to other locations in continental Europe that are currently served by higher-cost, higher-fare carriers Increasing the frequency of service on its existing routes Starting new domestic routes within EU countries Considering possible acquisitions that may become available in the future Connecting airports within its existing route network (triangulation) 3.2 Competitive Advantage Analysis: Ryanair has many competitive advantages (See appendix 7.7). According to Ryanairs official website the following are some of its competitive advantage; 3.2.1 Low Fares: Ryanair sets fares on the basis of demand for particular flights and by reference to the period remaining to the date of departure of the flight, with higher fares charged on flights with higher levels of demand for bookings made nearer to the date of departure. The airline sells seats on a one-way basis, thus eliminating minimum stay requirements from all travel on Ryanair scheduled services, regardless of fare. Ryanairs competitors generally do not operate a one-way pricing policy, so direct comparison is not possible, but current round-trip fares on Aer Lingus, Ryanairs largest competitor on the London- Dublin route, for travel in September 2004 were 82.27 Euro for economy restricted return tickets, 218.27 Euro for economy flexible return and 353.75 pounds for business class tickets. 3.2.2 Customer Service: Ryanair delivers the best customer service performance in its peer group. According to reports by the Association of European Airlines and the airlines own published statistics, Ryanair has achieved better punctuality, fewer lost bags and fewer cancellations than all of the rest of its peer grouping in Europe. Ryanair achieves this by focusing strongly on the execution of these services and by operating from uncongested airports. 3.2.3 Frequent Point-to-Point Flights on Short-Haul Routes: Ryanair provides frequent point-to-point service on short-haul routes to secondary and regional airports in and around major population centres and travel destinations. Short-haul routes allow Ryanair to offer frequent service, while eliminating the necessity to provide frill services otherwise expected by customers on longer flights. Point-to-point flying allows Ryanair to offer direct, non-stop routes and avoid the costs of providing through service for connecting passengers, including baggage transfer and transit passenger assistance costs. In choosing its routes, Ryanair favours secondary airports with convenient transportation to major population centres and regional airports. Secondary and regional airports are generally less congested than major airports and, as a result, can be expected to provide higher rates of onetime departures, faster turnaround times, fewer terminal delays and more competitive airport access an d handling costs. Faster turnaround times are a key element in Ryanairs efforts to maximize aircraft utilization. Ryanairs average scheduled turnaround time for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004 was approximately 25 minutes. Secondary and regional airports also generally do not maintain slot requirements or other operating restrictions that can increase operating expenses and limit the number of allowed take-offs and landings. 3.2.4 Low Operating Costs: Management believes that Ryanairs operating costs are among the lowest of any European scheduled passenger airline thus being advantageous to the airline. Ryanair strives to reduce or control four of the primary expenses involved in running a major scheduled airline: Aircraft equipment costs Personnel productivity Customer service costs Airport access and handling costs 3.2.5 Aircraft Equipment Costs: Ryanairs initial strategy for controlling aircraft acquisition costs was to purchase used aircraft of a single type Boeing 737, there was a significant reduction in the number of such used aircraft available for purchase in the market. The 737-800s represent the latest generation of Boeings 737 aircraft and share certain basic attributes in common with Ryanairs current fleet. Although Ryanairs acquisition of the 737-800s has already, and will continue to significantly increase the size of its fleet from that in 1998 and thus significantly increase its aircraft equipment and related costs, the purchase of aircraft from a single manufacturer enables it to limit the costs associated with personnel training, maintenance and the purchase and storage of spare parts, as well as affording greater flexibility in the scheduling of crews and equipment. 3.2.6 Personnel Productivity: Ryanair endeavours to control its labour costs by continually improving the productivity of its already highly-productive work force. Compensation for employees emphasizes productivity-based pay incentives, including commissions for on-board sales of products for flight attendants and payments based on the number of hours or sectors flown by pilots and cabin crew personnel within limits set by industry standards or regulations fixing maximum working hours, as well as participation in Ryanairs stock option programs. 3.2.7 Customer Service: Ryanair has entered into agreements on competitive terms with third party contractors at certain airports for passenger and aircraft handling, ticketing and other services that management believes can be more cost efficiently provided by third parties. Management attempts to obtain competitive rates for such services by negotiating multi-year contracts at prices that are fixed or subject only to periodic increases linked to inflation. The development of its own internet booking facility and reservations centre has advantaged Ryanair to eliminate travel agent commissions. 3.2.8 Airport Access Fees: Ryanair attempts to control airport access and service charges by focusing on airports that offer competitive cost terms. Management believes that Ryanairs record of delivering a consistently high volume of passenger traffic growth at many of these airports has allowed it to negotiate favourable contracts with such airports for access to their facilities. Ryanair further endeavours to reduce its airport charges by opting, when practicable, for less expensive gate locations as well as outdoor boarding stairs rather than more expensive jet ways. 3.2.9 Ecommerce: During January 2000, Ryanair converted its host reservation system from the BABS (British Airways Booking System) to a new system called Flight speed, which it operates under a 10 year hosting agreement with Accenture Open Skies (Open Skies). As part of the implementation of the new reservation system, Open Skies developed an internet booking facility called Skylights. The Skylights system allows internet users to access Ryanairs host reservation system and to make and pay for confirmed reservations in real time through Ryanairs website which accounts for a 96% reservation of all flights. 3.2.10 Safety: Ryanairs commitment to safety is a primary priority of the Company and its management. This commitment begins with the hiring and training of Ryanairs pilots, cabin crews and maintenance personnel and includes a policy of maintaining its aircraft in accordance with the highest European airline industry standards. Ryanair has not had a single incident involving major injury to passengers or flight crew in its 20 year operating history. Although Ryanair seeks to maintain its fleet in a cost-effective manner, management does not seek to extend Ryanairs low cost operating strategy to the areas of safety, maintenance, training or quality assurance. Routine aircraft maintenance and repair services are performed at Dublin, London (Stansted), Glasgow (Prestwick), Shannon and Milan (Bergamo) by Ryanair and, at other airports maintenance contractors. 4.0 STRATEGY IN ACTION: According to Ryanairs website the company plans to initiate new services and improve existing ones and therefore the author will suggest ways the company can do so. The first is initiating additional routes from the U.K. or Ireland to other locations in continental Europe that are currently served by higher-cost and higher-fare carriers. As economies have just emerge from a recession, customers are more cost conscience and therefore if Ryanair continues to use its no frill strategy it will be able to quickly gain market share and dominance. Increasing the frequency of service on its existing routes, as seen in appendix 13 the most used route is from Dublin to London, therefore Ryanair should increase flights from Dublin to London and vice versa. Starting new domestic routes within EU countries, as the EU Union continues to grow, more markets will open up. Ryanair should try to enter these markets the first so as to gain the first mover advantage such as being the first to exploit the market thus gaining more knowledge about the market. Considering possible acquisitions that may become available in the future. Ryanair acquired a small Dutch budget, short haul, carrier buzz and wanted to acquire Aer Lingus its Irish rival and long haul airline. Although the acquisition failed at the time, Ryanair can still try again but using a different strategy. In the future the airline should appoint a stockbroker to purchase Aer Lingus as it did when its stockbroker Davy purchased the Aer Lingus shares. Secondly, Ryanair should negotiate behind closed doors, the first attempt failed because of media interference. Ryanair should state that it will bring in an expert to handle the organizational structure so that the 2 organizations can be able to work together and allow trade unions so as to win over the trust of the government and the Aer Lingus board. Connecting airports within its existing route network, currently Ryanair is using secondary terminals to avoid traffic and increase its turnaround time. But most customers prefer to use the main terminals and therefore if Ryanair uses both the main and secondary terminals it will be able to increase its customer base. 5.0 CONCLUSION: As seen in section 3.2 Ryanair is using the no frill strategy, the company has positioned itself well in the market and has manage under the leadership of the Chief Executive Officer and shareholder Michael O Leary to become a household name. Although Ryanair is targeting a niche in the market where its customers are willing to forgo extra benefits for the low fare, the company should try to add value for its customers where ever it can and when ever it can to increase brand loyalty and ultimately sales. 6.0 REFERENCE: Ryanairs official website, http://www.ryanair.com obtained on 21st November 2009 at 12:11 P.M G. Johnson, k. Scholes, R. Whittington 2008, Exploring Corporate Culture, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall Ryanairs history 2009 obtained from http://en.Wikipedia.org/Ryanair on 19th November 2009 at 11:23 A.M PESTEL Analysis, obtained from http://university-essays.tripod.com on 19th November 2009 at 12:00 P.M S. Cairns and C. Newson, predict and decide: Aviation, climate change and UK policy, ECI Research Report 33, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford 2006 D. Milmo, Ryanair the world least favorite airline, Guardian 26 October 2006 Center for Asia Pacific Aviation 2009, obtained from http://www.cntreforpacificaviation.com on 15th November 2009 at 2:12 P.M BBC WORL NEWS, fast track, interview with Michael OLeary time 11:55 28th December 2009 Ryanairs marketing mix 2009 obtained from http://www.marketingteacher.com on the 27th of November 2009 at 12:06 P.M. Ryanairs competitive advantage obtained from http://www.slideshare.net/puya455/newanalysis-of-ryanairs on the 27th November 2009 at 1:00 P.M Ryanairs value chain analysis obtained from http://www.peerpapers.com/essays/Ryanair-Value-Chain-Analysis/171123.html?topic
Friday, January 17, 2020
Myth and Archetype Analysis
When life presents us with an opportunity where we can get ahead, or allows us a chance to make a past transgression right, we are obliged to discern the occasion and take action. We must move forward with confidence, and not look back, for this may be a once in a life time opportunity. Indecision or hesitation may cause us to miss out on what we really desire in life, and what we may end up with instead is a life filled with regret. Unfortunately, the latter is the case in the Greek myth of â€Å"Orpheus and Eurydice†and The Bible story of Lot and his wife. It was the uncertainty, and lack of confidence in which Orpheus, Lot, and his wife displayed that caused ruin over their lives. In the two stories, the situation archetypal elements were opportunity, doubt and doom. Hell or the underworld was their fate, however in each situation they were given the chance to be spared, but doom and doubt blocked their stroke of luck. In life we must recognize when we are being presented with an opportunity that we may never receive again. In the myth â€Å"Orpheus and Eurydice†, Orpheus was granted a once in a lifetime chance to rescue his beloved Eurydice who had carelessly stepped on a snake, and was carried off to Hades. He immediately partitioned to the gods of Hades, and was granted the opportunity to journey to the underworld to rescue the one who held his affections. With the possibility of having her life spared, Orpheus began to plead his case. In the lyrics of his song to the gods sprung forth the despair he was feeling. He sang, â€Å"Oh gods of the underworld, to all who live must come, hear my words. I am Orpheus, son of Apollo, and I seek my beloved Eurydice. Let me lead her to the earth, or I myself will remain here, for I cannot return alone†. (2) His song was so sorrowful, even the gods of Hades were filled with pity, and could not deny Orpheus’ request. He had received his break, and soon he was reunited with Eurydice, and was allowed to take her back to earth, but only after receiving strict instructions that he must not look back at her, or speak to her, until they reached the upper air. 4) When we receive favor from the gods we must operate in confidence, and that is what Orpheus did. Feeling certain, he took the lead, as they journeyed back to earth moving ever so swiftly, and with great anticipation of making it to the other side. Consequently, just as these emotions began to overtake him, his confidence wavered, and he turned around to confirm Eurydice’s presence. In that instant his blessing was dissolved, and she ade him farewell as she was pulled back down into the belly of Hades, and he, sucked up to earth. Because Orpheus did not remain steadfast in his actions, and allowed the spirit of doubt to interfere with his once in a lifetime opportunity: he lived the remainder of his life filled with doom, and regret until the day he died, and could be reunited with his beloved Eurydice in the underworld. When we are given opportunities to better our situation we must not dwell on the past. Instead, we must move forward in confidence that what is ahead is going to be better than where we are. In â€Å"The Book of Genesis†, the Bible tells us the story of Lot and his wife, and how God was going to spare the lives of Lot and his family in return for his protection over the angels. God was going to bless his family by removing them out of the wrenched city of Sodom. While Lot knew that God was going to destroy the city, it was difficult for him to leave. He was so entangled in his wealth and status in the city that he hesitated to walk away. Unlike Orpheus, Lot from the beginning lacked the confidence, and discernment needed to receive his miraculous opportunity: even after his request made to God was granted. He said to God, â€Å"Look, here is a town near enough to run to, and it is small. Let me flee to it- it is very small isn’t it? Then my life will be spared. †(Gen. 19:20) God did grant him this request nonetheless, he proceeded with reluctance. When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them. (Gen. 19:16). Lot was doomed from the beginning because he did not appreciate where this once in a lifetime opportunity would take him. Moreover, he preferred to remain where he was, denying his blessing once and for all. Not only do we need to be able to identify an opportunity of a lifetime when it comes our way, moreover, we must naturally accept it, and believe in ourselves and the outcome. While Lot reluctantly accepted his blessing to be rescued from Sodom, his wife was also uncertain of there fate even in the mist of being led to safety: and while God rained down burning sulfur on the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah. They had been instructed to run for their lives, and not to look back, and not to stop anywhere on the plain: yet, with safety on the horizon, Lot’s wife looked back, and became a pillar of salt. Initially, since Lot and his wife (especially Lot) did not want to accept the favor God was giving, their out come was reverse and their lives cursed In life ost of us will be granted opportunities big or small that can change our lives. Sometimes human nature would have us second guess what the universe has in store for us. We may ask ourselves the question â€Å"why me†, or we may think ourselves unworthy, or incapable of such opportunities that we camouflage our own success: even when it is in the palm of our hand such as the case in the two compari sons above. When presented with a chance to right a wrong, or to better your life or situation, graciously except your fate, and know that what the universe has for you, is for you.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay on To Save the Earth - 1053 Words
To Save the Earth I wonder how much the front yard of my childhood home is worth. Of course, its worth less now than before. Once, a stately tree stood in each corner: a tall lilac, a pine, a cherry tree, and a droopy evergreen. My favorite tree lived in the middle. I never knew what kind it was, but every spring it blossomed in delicate pink, and on warm afternoons, I read under its canopy. The front yard no longer looks like that, however. My father removed the lilac bush because it made the lawn too difficult to mow, and cut many of the branches from the pine and my pink-flowered tree so that friends could park their cars on our lawn rather than getting ticketed for parking on the street. Eventually, my tree died from those†¦show more content†¦He likens destroying our environmental heritage to destroying our cultural one. He questions whether we can really replace or improve upon the works of Shakespeare, Beethoven, Goethe and the Beatles the way some claim science will one day allow us to do with living creatures. Pointing to various psychological studies, Wilson also suggests that we instinctively feel an affinity for other forms of life and hence that living in balance with nature is necessary for our mental well being. Although thought-provoking, his stance isnt persuasive enough to convince someone like my dad, or even me. To convince someone like my dad that the environment is worth saving, a monetary value needs to be attached to it. Wilson does so, exploring the value of the environment as both a source of raw materials and a provider of services. Particularly compelling is his discussion of the forested watershed in the Catskill Mountains of New York, which purifies the water supply for New York City. As the watershed became more and more polluted, Officials in New York City...could build a filtration plant to replace the Catskills Watershed, at $6 billion to $8 billion capital cost, followed by $300 million annual running costs; or else they could restore the Catskills Watershed to somewhere near its original purification capacity for $1 billion, with subsequently low maintenance costs. He also estimates thatShow MoreRelatedSave the Earth and Save Life Essay1102 Words  | 5 Pageseffectively extinct in its natural habitatâ€â€and no amount of change can save it. Scientists estimate that just 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears survive in the wild,†(Walker, Gabrielle and Sir David King). Global warming is affecting not only polar bears but also many other species that are going extinct. Habitats are destroyed and islands are invaded by the sea water, slowly sinking. Every living thing and environment on this earth is affected by global warming. However, many decide to ignore such factsRead MoreSave Our Mother Earth940 Words  | 4 PagesLet’s save our ‘Mother Earth’ It is the only planet in our solar system on which life exists with incredible biodiversity. People all over the world celebrate this grand event to protect flora and fauna and to clean up the earth on which we live. The noble ‘Earth’ has bestowed the human beings with incredible and beautiful nature in the form of mountains, rivers, forests and various natural resources that helped human beings to survive and initiated our evolution. So, now it’s our time toRead MoreRecycling: Save Planet Earth835 Words  | 4 PagesRecycling: Save Planet Earth Preserving the environment is very important. One way that would be possible is by recycling. Recycling is the recovery and reprocessing of waste materials for use in new products. There are important environmental and economic benefits connected with recycling. 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While this temperature grown by 0.6 C in the last 140 years, it may grow from 1.5 C to over 2.0 C by the year 2070, and cloud utterly change climate zone patterns resulting in increased or decreased rainfall, winds, snow, and other unparalleled weather phenomenon. TheRead More100 Ways to Save Mother Earth - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respond4176 Words  | 17 Pages100 Ways To Save Mother Earth - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respond Our Mother Earth is currently suffering from different types of pollution brought about by humans. And with this, a lot of negative effects have emerged. Reports of flash floods brought about by illegal logging can be seen on the news. Destruction of the forest and exploitation of wild life resulted in the extinction of exotic animals. Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere brought global warming. There are numerous environmentalRead MoreWays and Means that Could Be Employed to Save the Earth from Global Warming627 Words  | 2 PagesWays and Means That Could Be Employed to Save the Earth from Global Warming The unequivocal and continuing increase in the average temperature of the earth’s climate system is referred to Global Warming. The temperature of the Earth has risen by 1.4 degrees F over the past one hundred years. Over the next hundred years, the temperature is also projected to rise 2 to 11.5 degrees F. Even though it seems like small changes, rising global temperature can translate into dangerous shiftsRead MoreGlobal Warming Is An Important Problem944 Words  | 4 Pagessmall affected right now, but for a long time, it will take your life away. Why don’t we should do something to save the earth as save our life? One person can do nothing but a group of people can make different and change the world. We can do the small things from home, but it also helps us save the earth. Firstly, I think we should create an organization to called â€Å" SOE (Save Our Earth). Then, we really the cooperation of everybody, we will make a poster and flyer to propaganda every one knew about
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Herman Melville Research Paper - 1644 Words
Raju Singh Mrs. McDaniel American Literature Herman Melville Progress is key to living life, but if one is advancing through life with the motivation of revenge, then, in actuality, he or she is truly regressing. Revenge is an extremely corruptive trait. It causes people to do uncharacteristic things that normally would not be done. The perception of right and wrong is blurred and one takes inadvertent actions that may cost friendships, possessions, and even lives. Revenge is often a major motivating factor in the characters that are in the works written during the Dark Romanticism period. One of the most celebrated and influential American authors in history, Herman Melville, was born on August 1, 1819; his reputation was not quite†¦show more content†¦On September 28, 1891 just after midnight, Melville suffered a heart attack and died, leaving Billy Budd in manuscript (Rollyson xxiv). Billy Budd was published posthumously. Moby-Dick is considered to be one of, if not the, best novels in American history. Harper amp; Brothers first published it in 1851 in New York. In England, it was published in the same year under the title, The Whale (â€Å"Moby Dick†). Melville explores topics and themes that were scarcely spoken of and never even seen in a novel. In the novel, the Pequod, which is the ship, is named after a Native American tribe that was exterminated when the white settlers arrived. It is a symbol of death and doom and foreshadows event that occur later in the novel. Melville brings some very controversial themes to light in the novel. Revenge is one of the main themes of Dark Romanticism and Melville uses it to drive every action taken by Ahab. This is seen early on in the novel as Ahab explains to the crew why he has a peg leg and that he wants to enact his revenge on Moby Dick (Melville 160-161). â€Å"Moby Dick is, fundamentally, a revenge tragedy. It’s about one man’s maniacal obsession with vengeance. It’s about finding an object on which to pin all you anger and fear and rage, not only about your own suffering, but also about the suffering of all mankind†(â€Å"MobyShow MoreRelatedMoby Dick By Herman Melville2021 Words  | 9 PagesENGL 3311:Research Paper Moby Dick Herman Melville In this paper I plan to discuss,That one of the main characters in Herman Melville’s book Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is clearly something in between a Promethean and Satanic figure.On the other hand, State that Ahab is the protagonist that Melville wanted to present in the novel. Furthermore, that Melville undoubtedly made Ahab’s character fit into the novel as a whole because the novel is revolving around Ahab and his own personal madness andRead MoreThe Most Important Starbucks Marketing Strategy951 Words  | 4 Pagescorporation’s culture and values, and reduced employee churn rate. Statistics showed that people prefer to work for Starbucks. Conclusion â€Å"Starbucks†was the name of a character that came from Herman Melville’s American classic, Moby-Dick. He was the chief mate on the Pequod and was addicted to coffee. Readers for Herman Melville are always those people who have good educations and cultural tastes. From this brand name, it is clear that Starbucks’ target customers should be middle class and white collars whoRead More Many Views of Melvilles Bartelby The Scrivener Essay2380 Words  | 10 Pagesliterary work as having an entirely different meaning than what it was meant to have. The short story, Bartelby the Scrivener by Herman Melville, has been reviewed by several different critics as having several different standpoints. These standpoints include Bartelby as a Psychological Double to the Narrator, an apostle of reason, having biblical ties, and as being Melville himself. 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The focus of a literature review, however, is to summarize and synthesizeRead MoreStarbucks : Organizational Profile : Starbucks2061 Words  | 9 PagesDifferent Perspective The purpose of this paper is to analyze and put into perspective Starbucks? as an organization using Bolman and Deal?s (1997) Symbolic and Human Resources frames. As we look into this organization?s structure we will also do some research into its weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats (SWOT). Symbolic Frame Starbucks began with a single store in Seattle?s Pike Place Market in 1971, it was named after the first mate in Herman Melville?s Moby Dick, and it?s said to ?evokedRead MoreNew York City: History and Landmarks4966 Words  | 20 Pages After Philadelphia beat out New York as the national capital in 1790, the building served as New York s city hall (as it had in the pre-Revolutionary years) until it was demolished in 1812. A customs house built on the site opened in 1842 (Herman Melville worked there as a customs inspector), and when customs moved 20 years later, the building became the U.S. Sub-Treasury. It held millions of dollars worth of gold and silver in its subterranean vaults until 1920, when the Federal Reserve Bank replacedRead MoreA Report on Hr Policies of Starbucks7223 Words  | 29 Pagesit has rapidly expanded into the major countries of the world such as China, India, Russia, Brazil, UK, and Germany among numerous others. The name ‘Starbucks’ comes from a character of the same name in the classic American novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville. In 1990s, Starbucks came to be known as one of the first companies that offered stock options to its part-time employees. The main beverages and snacks in its menu include espresso-based hot drinks, pastries, Frappuccino ® blended beverages, smoothiesRead MoreStarbucks Study15613 Words  | 63 Pagesyears four more stores were set up. Howard Schultz, who was working in a Swedish house ware company this time, recognized the development and increasing demand of coffee mills of Starbucks. Infected by his interest in this company he started his research in Starbucks. He often went to Seattle and always met the founders of Starbucks, trying to convince them to employ him. Howard Schultz, who had no idea about coffee, but a lot of knowledge about selling, stayed very obstinate and so finally in middle
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