Monday, December 23, 2019
The Fair Labor Standards Act - 923 Words
In general the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has set a general rule that allows minor as young as 14 years of age to work. Of course there are limits to the amount of hours worked. The military requires a minimum age of 17 with parents consent to join. Wow a 17 year old can be allowed to carry and M16 A4 rifle and fight for his/her country. But the National Basketball Association wants to up the age to 20 years old. Adam Silver is the National Basketball Association commissioner and he is wanting to raise the age that player can enter the league from 19 to 20. Doing so would stop many college players from leaving school after one year. He has been quoted as saying â€Å"I believe and continue to believe it will be in the best interest of the league. I think that the extra year in college will be a benefit for these young men to grow and develop as people and basketball players†(Reyes, 2014). NBA player want to have the right to earn as much money as they can as early as they can and fill fight to have the age lowered to 18 at the next collective bargaining meeting. They argue that no other sport limits there athletes as does the NBA not for hockey, not for baseball and not for soccer. If you are good enough to play you should be allowed to support you and your family. National Basketball Players Association general counsel Gary Kohlman believes race may play a role (Associated Press 2015). I m reading and listening to college players and the other side sayingShow MoreRelatedThe Fair Labor Standards Act1845 Words  | 8 Pagesthey had to at least be paid. Thus, in 1938, Congress invoked its constitutional powers to regulate interstate commerce and passed a law known as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that addresses these malpractices by employers. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments (Society for Human Resource Management,Read MoreThe Fair Labor Standards Act Essay1747 Words  | 7 PagesThe Fair Labor Standards Act The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was passed by Congress on June 25th, 1938. The main objective of the act was to eliminate â€Å"labor conditions detrimental to the maintenance of the minimum standards of living necessary for health, efficiency and well-being of workers,†[1] who engaged directly or indirectly in interstate commerce, including those involved in production of goods bound for such commerce. A major provision of the act establishedRead MoreFair Labor Standards Act ( Flsa ) Essay1841 Words  | 8 Pages In 1996 the amendments to the fair Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was created. This law was established to provide a 50 percent â€Å"tip credit†for tipped workers employers. It allowed tipped workers income from tips to count toward half the regular minimum hourly wage which was guaranteed to workers by the FLSA. Over the years, the federal tipped provision minimum wage dropped to at least 40 percent from 1980 to 1989. During that time period, the amount of tips received by workers has never exceededRead MoreFair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA)758 Words  | 3 Pagesand laws were enacted to put into place fair employment for those in the workforce. In 1938, congress would pass and President Roosevelt would sign the Wages and Hours Bill, more commonly known as the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA). This federal statute introduced a 44 hour, seven day work week, established the national minimum wage, guaranteed overtime pay in specific types of jobs at a rate of â€Å"time and a half†, and it defines oppressive child labor, which prohibits most employment of minorsRead MoreFederal Fair Labor Standards Act Case Study1822 Words  | 8 Pagesviolates the federal fair labor standard acts by designating an employee as a â€Å"manager†who is entitled to overtime pay when that employee’s primary job responsibilities do not require supervising other employees or exercising independent judgment, but do require day to day maintenance activities as well as retail sales. Appellant, Mr. Bubbenmayer was working at BOCA BARGOONS OF MELBOURNE as a â€Å"manager†until the time his employment with appellee ended. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act he should haveRead MoreThe Gender Pay For The Workforce Ever Since The Fair Labor Standards Act Of 19382627 Words  | 11 Pagesthe workforce ever since the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 was enacted. Since this time, there has been a huge influx of women entering into the job market, where there had not been prior to the law. This meant that during the time of the laws creation there had not been near the women receiving pay for their services like there were in the years to follow. To help modernize this change amendments needed to be added and this included the Equal Pay Act of 1963. This Act made it mandatory for employersRead MoreFair Labor Standards Act1423 Words  | 6 PagesFair Labor Standards Act Overview The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended is also referred to as the Act or FLSA. The Act provides for minimum standards for both wages and overtime entitlement, and spells out administrative procedures by which covered work time must be compensated. FLSA also include provisions related to child labor, equal pay, and portal-to-portal activities. A general overview of FLSA is that it establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and childRead MoreFair Labor Standards Act2693 Words  | 11 Pageswas able to have the â€Å"Fair Labor Standards Act†passed and signed into law. This piece of legislation was a land mark in our history. It banned most child labor; it set a minimum hourly wage and set the standard work week. This was the beginning that made employers develop records to keep track of the wages that they paid to their employees and records of the hours the employees were working. The Supreme Court had been one of the major obstacles to wage-hour and child-labor laws. In the 1936Read MoreThe Fair Labor Standards Act908 Words  | 4 Pagesgain, life would be unlivable. This is the cause for the Fair Labor Standards Act, this law was the first us law to set a federal minimal wage. it has been over 76 years since this law was passed and we are now faced with the same problem. People work hard and don t make enough to live a enjoyable life. When the minimal wage is increased to fifteen dollars an hour the economy will be stimulated, worker moral will increase, and the standard of living will increase. Some people don t see how increasingRead MoreFair Labor Standards Act of 19381718 Words  | 7 PagesFair Labor Standards Act of 1938 – as Amended As the United States endured the hardships of the Great Depression, the struggles of the working class grew and employers were able to take advantage of desperate workers by overloading hours and shrinking wages. In 1938, President Franklin Roosevelt, in his New Deal legislation, saw the opportunity to attend to the issues concerning workers involved in interstate commerce. The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed, and the President described it in
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Secret Circle The Divide Chapter 29 Free Essays
They all recovered from the morning’s battle miraculously well. A little soap and water, and a change of clothes, and each of them were mostly back to their old selves. Diana prepared an herbal tea in the kitchen and returned to the living room carrying a tray. We will write a custom essay sample on The Secret Circle: The Divide Chapter 29 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Is Faye here yet?†she asked. The Circle was desperate to hear what had happened at Cape Cod before they arrived and to fill in the holes of what they still didn’t understand. â€Å"We should start without her,†Suzan said, picking at her nail cuticles. Diana shot Adam a concerned look and asked Suzan, â€Å"Where is she?†â€Å"We know exactly where she is,†Laurel said. â€Å"She’s with Max.†â€Å"I didn’t tell you that,†Suzan said. â€Å"Maybe we should begin without her,†Cassie said. She knew how unbelievably lucky it was that none of them had been badly hurt, and she was anxious to apologize again for her mistakes. â€Å"I want to make sure I don’t ever put any of you at risk again. So I have a lot to tell you.†Just then Faye swept through the door. Her eyes were infused with an energy that was palpable. Her cheeks were flushed, and her plump red lips looked almost like they were swol en with blood. â€Å"Sorry I’m late,†she said. â€Å"You need to quit it with Max already,†Adam said. â€Å"How many times do we have to tell you? We don’t know if we can trust him.†Faye felt for a black pendant hanging from her neck, and Cassie caught something unusual in her eyes. â€Å"I said I was sorry.†Faye continued toying with the pendant. She always wore a red star ruby necklace, but the pendant was new. It was a shimmering black opal. â€Å"Did Max give you that?†Cassie asked. Faye let go of the necklace immediately and shot Cassie a threatening look, but Cassie noticed that she also blushed. All at once, Cassie realized the truth: Faye’s feelings for Max were real. Melanie exhaled loudly. â€Å"Don’t we have more important things to talk about than Faye’s love life?†â€Å"Yes, we do,†Diana said. â€Å"Cassie, why don’t you fill us in on what we missed?†Cassie stepped to the center of the room. â€Å"First, I want to apologize formally to all of you,†she said. â€Å"I should have never betrayed you the way I did. Especially my fell ow leaders, Diana and Faye.†â€Å"An apology isn’t necessary,†Nick said from where he was sitting in the corner. There were nods all around. Faye scoffed. â€Å"I can’t believe you pansies are letting her off this easy. If it were me who’d stolen the Master Tools, and then lost them to boot – â€Å" â€Å"The Circle forgives you, Cassie,†Diana said, cutting Faye off. â€Å"But remember, for the future, that we’re your family, too.†â€Å"I know that now,†Cassie said. â€Å"I knew it before, but I guess it slipped away from me.†Cassie’s heart was thumping in her chest. â€Å"You’ve been a sister to me since I arrived here,†she said to Diana. â€Å"And you’re the only sister I’ll ever need.†Diana’s eyes misted over. â€Å"Thank you,†she said. Melanie cleared her throat. â€Å"I hate to interrupt this sentimental moment, but maybe Cassie can tell us what she learned about Scarlett, so we know what we’re up against.†â€Å"Of course,†Cassie said. She went on to explain how Scarlett had tricked her, to lure her away from the protective spell, and that Scarlett was the daughter Black John intended for the Circle. Nick walked solemnly over to Cassie. â€Å"So Scarlett wants to kill you.†â€Å"Yes,†Cassie said. â€Å"So she can have my place in the Circle, because we’re the same bloodline.†â€Å"What about the witch hunters?†Melanie asked. â€Å"Who killed Great-Aunt Constance and Portia?†â€Å"And who burned the symbol onto my front lawn?†Laurel asked, her voice high-pitched with fright. Cassie took a deep breath. â€Å"The hunters are real, and they’re still out there. But Scarlett had nothing to do with them. She just seized the opportunity to use our fear of the hunters against us.†â€Å"We are so screwed,†Faye said, and Cassie noticed her reach for the pendant again. There was something about it drawing Cassie in, the way it caught the light. â€Å"Can I get a closer look at that?†she asked, reaching for it. Before Faye could resist, Cassie caught the stone in her hand and studied its surface. It was slightly translucent, not totally black, but a play of green and blue and red. As Cassie tilted it back and forth, she noticed how it diffracted the light in a continually changing play of color. The moment Cassie saw it, her blood ran cold. Camouflaged within the opal’s fascinating surface was the hunter symbol, shimmering iridescently. â€Å"Oh my God,†Cassie said. â€Å"Faye, you’ve been marked.†The rest of the group gasped. â€Å"That’s not possible,†Faye said. She looked down at the necklace. â€Å"No!†she screamed, recognizing the symbol immediately. â€Å"He couldn’t have!†For a few minutes, nobody spoke. Cassie glanced around the room at each of her friends. How quickly the energy of the room had shifted. The almighty Faye had fall en. Faye looked like a different person. Her broad shoulders were rounded forward, and all the color had drained from her face. She sat down on the couch, slumped over crying. It was a sight none of them could fathom. â€Å"How?†she asked. Her eyes were bloodshot, and black mascara streamed down her face. It was the first time Cassie had ever seen Faye cry. â€Å"I just don’t understand how this could have happened.†â€Å"Max is a witch hunter,†Melanie said declaratively. â€Å"He’s the one who gave that to you.†â€Å"And that means the principal is probably a hunter, too.†Adam glanced at Cassie with meaning. â€Å"Just like you suspected.†Melanie nodded. â€Å"Like father, like son.†Cassie couldn’t feel good about being right about the principal, especially at a moment like this. She would rather it had turned out to be silly paranoia. Diana sat down beside Faye and gently took her hand. â€Å"I know you’re still in shock, Faye, but we need to know everything you’ve told Max.†Faye lifted her head. Tears hung from her dark lashes, and her expression was beyond stricken. â€Å"I don’t even remember.†She unclasped the necklace from behind her neck and dropped it onto the table. â€Å"I thought he really liked me,†she said softly, almost to herself. â€Å"I didn’t want to tell you all this, but I undid the love spell a while ago. To see if his feelings were . . .†She couldn’t even say it. Diana wrapped both her arms around Faye and, unbelievably, she let her. Cassie had to look away. Seeing Faye heartbroken was nearly as brutal as seeing her marked. â€Å"But he seemed so overpowered by the spell,†Laurel said. â€Å"He might have been resistant to her magic the whole time, but was playing along to get close to us,†Adam said. Cassie shot Adam a look to quiet him. He and Laurel may have been putting the necessary pieces together, but they could do it in the other room, where Faye wouldn’t hear them. They were unaware of the effect their words were having on her as she began crying harder. But Cassie understood. When Faye undid the love spell and Max was still acting like he couldn’t live without her, she mistook it for true love. Melanie shook her head in disbelief. â€Å"So the hunters know about two of us,†she said. â€Å"And without the Master Tools, we’re not strong enough to fight them.†â€Å"And Scarlett still wants to kill Cassie,†Nick said. Diana continued holding Faye in her arms. â€Å"There’s no time to panic,†she said, but her voice was trembling. â€Å"It’s time to come together to support and protect one another.†She focused her eyes directly on Cassie. â€Å"We’ll figure out a way,†she said. â€Å"We always do.†How to cite The Secret Circle: The Divide Chapter 29, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Socrates 2 Essay Example For Students
Socrates 2 Essay SocratesSocrates was born in Athens, the son of Sophroniscus, a sculptor, and of Phaenarete, a midwife, he received the regular elementary education in literature, music, and gymnastics. Socrates followed the craft of his father; according to a former tradition, he executed a statue group of the three Graces, which stood at the entrance to the Acropolis until he 2d century ad. In the Peloponnesian war with Sparta he served as an infantryman with conspicuous bravery at the battles of potidaea in 432-430 bc, Delium in 424 bc, and amphipolis in 422 bc. Socrates believed superiority of argument over writing and therefore spent the greater part of his mature life in the marketplace and public resorts of Athens in dialogue and argument with anyone who would listen or who submit to interrogation. He wrote no books and establish no regular school of philosophy. He belief in a purely objective understanding at such concepts as justice, love, and virtue, and the self-knowledge that he inculcated, were the basis of his teachings. He believed that all vice is the result of ignorance, and that no person is willingly bad; correspondingly, virtue is knowledge, and those who know the right will act rightly. Plato represents Socrates as hidings behind an ironical profession of ignorance, known as Socratic irony, and possessing a mental acuity and resourcefulness that enabled him to penetrate arguments with great facility. Socrates was nonetheless regarded with suspicion by many of his contemporaries, who dislike his attitude toward the Athenian state and the established religion.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
What not to say in a Residency Personal Statement
Avoiding major mistakes in your residency personal statement means more than just making sure that your statement is free of common errors in grammar and usage. It also means having the right content. Getting help from residency personal statement services can get you focused on the aspects of your experiences that are most persuasive to residency selectors. Moreover, residency personal statement services are available to give your essay the polish and flow that will keep selectors reading your statement from start to finish.Here are some common things that should not be included in your residency personal statement:1. Things that happened before you Started CollegeResidency selectors are genuinely only interested in what you have been doing since you began college. Many residency personal statements begin with an anecdote from childhood or high school. This will make your residency personal statement seem like a med school personal statement and likely cause the reader to lose inter est.2. Spending precious space in the essay discussing why you did not choose other specialtiesWith many specialties to choose from, it is unnecessary to explain why other specialties did not appeal to you. This, combined with the relatively short length of residency personal statements, means that your best bet is to fully and clearly express why you have chosen the residency program to which you are applying.3. Stating that you chose your specialty before you began your rotationsIn the real world, there are medical students who knew what they want to specialize in long before medical school. Perhaps this was due to a significant experience or even an early calling to work with a particular patient population. However, the purpose of rotations is to get a feel for the day-to-day work within each particular field of medicine. For this reason, if you had a good idea of what you wanted to specialize in before your rotations, emphasize how the rotation confirmed your desire to choose y our specialty.Residency Personal Statement Services Can Help You Express Your Motives and Ideas PersuasivelyUnder no circumstances whatsoever should you state that you have chosen your specialty for lifestyle or financial reasons. Everybody wants to live a good life, and – for better or for worse – our finances are part of the opportunities available to us in the world. However, your residency personal statement needs to reflect a desire to do the work of the specialty you have chosen and to help the patients who are in need of your expertise in this field. Residency personal statement services can help you refine your essay to effectively convey this to selectors.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Chinese Civilization essays
The Chinese Civilization essays The history of ancient Chinese civilization has always fascinated people, perhaps, in recent times more than ever. More than one billion Chinese people live in the world today. There are many characteristics that can unite and give a common identity to such an enormous amount of people. Some of these characteristics lie in the long history of the land, different in language, geography, literature, science, and math. All of these views have been reflected during different times in the Chinese history. Chinas geography is very distinctive than other countries. China is located in the Southeast Asia, on the East Coast of the Pacific Ocean. The climate of China is similar to the United States. Temperate climates prevail within desert and semiarid regions in the western interior. A small area of tropical climate in the extreme Southeast. Many crops are grown in China such as grain, cotton, and oil seeds. Many farm families choose to specialize in a particular market crop like fresh vegetables or cut flowers. China needs rivers to survive, without rivers China could not produce rice (their main crop). Large citrus orchards are found in the central of the rivers. In the far South, you find bananas and other tropical fruit .The rivers also make the land fertile for the farmers or land owners to plant. One of the many problems that China faces in the late twentieth century is over population. In an effort to control, the growth of Chinas population the Chinese government has set up a system of rewards and penalties designed to encourage one-child families. Couples are urged to sign pledges that they will have only one child and received bonus for doing so. If they have two or more children, however they must pay a heavy fine, also pay for the education and medical care for the extra children. China is not the worlds oldest civilization, but it doe...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Automatic Stabilizers
The result is higher government spending and lower tax collections and the increased likelihood that the government will run a budget deficit. Similarly, when the economy grows rapidly, tax collections increase and government expenditures on transfer payments decrease, and the likelihood of the federal government running a surplus is greater. Now suppose an economy had a balanced federal budget neither deficit nor surplus. An external shock (such as a dramatic increase in oil prices or drought) then plunged the economy into a recession. Tax revenues fall and expenditures on transfer payments increase, resulting in a budget deficit. Believe it or not, the deficit actually serves a valuable role in stabilizing the economy. It works through three channels: †¢Increased transfer payments such as unemployment insurance, food stamps, and other welfare payments increase the income of some households, partly offsetting the fall in household income. †¢Other households whose incomes are falling pay less in taxes, which partly offsets the decline in their household income. Because incomes do not fall as much as they would have in the absence of the deficit, consumption spending does not decline as much. †¢Because the corporation tax depends upon corporate profits and profits fall in a recession, taxes on businesses also fall. Lower corporate taxes prevent businesses from cutting spending as much as they would otherwise during a recession. The government deficit itself, in effect, offsets part of the adverse effect of the recession and thus helps stabilize the economy. Similarly, during an economic boom, transfer payments fall and tax revenues increase. This dampens the increase in household income and also the increase in consumption and investment spending that would accompany higher household income and higher corporate profits. Stabilization policy is an action taken to move the economy closer to full employment or potential output. Transfer payments that stabilize GDP without requiring explicit actions by policymakers are called automatic stabilizers. The great virtue of automatic stabilizers is that they do not require explicit action from the president and Congress to change the law. Given the long inside lags caused by ideological battles in Washington, D. C. , over spending, taxes, and the deficit, it is fortunate that we have mechanisms in place to dampen economic fluctuations without requiring explicit and deliberative action. Reference link: http://classof1. com/homework-help/economics-homework-help
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Christian Coalition of America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Christian Coalition of America - Essay Example As such, we work together with Christians of all denominations, as well as with other Americans who agree with our mission and with our ideals. issues that need to be discussed, one in particular which is in regards to the way in which they use their power to affect the government, and this includes what they have been able to do in the past, such as organize elections, change policies, and more. By thoroughly addressing and examining these issues, we will be able to attain a much more informed and knowledgeable understanding on the subject matter at hand. This is what will be dissertated in the following. There are really many different ways in which the Christian Coalition has been able to use their power in order to affect the government, all in an incredibly positive manner. "The Christian Coalition (CC) has two central goals: to control the agenda of the Republican party by working from the grassroots up; and to train and elect pro-family, Christian candidates to public office. The group has had considerable success in both areas, and their impact in state and national elections can be detected through their work during primaries and ability to mobilize Christian conservative voters" (People for the American Way, 2007). They are an organize which does - and always has - strive to strengthen the government and make it more focused on family matters, which is respected not only by Christians, but by people as a whole around the world. The Coalition's strategy actually first attracted attention in the year 1990, when a coalition of right-wing groups led by the Christian Coalition he lped candidates in San Diego win 60 out of 90 races for a variety of offices, and this included such things as school and hospital boards, for instance. As well, the organization, which, through extremely wide dissemination of voter guides, has supported some political candidates and opposed many others and the organization itself was very influential during the 1990s, when it was under the leadership of executive director Ralph Reed. The Coalition uses many different methods in order to get its point across and in order to attempt to positively change the government, and this includes educating, lobbying, and disseminating information through courses, debate forums, lectures, issue voter guides, and scorecards for certain candidates on its issues of concern. The Christian Coalition "was founded on the belief that 'people of faith' have a right and a responsibility to effect social, cultural, and political change in their local communities. Its members denounced promiscuity and what they deemed as individualist, feminist, and judicial excesses, and preferred a larger role for independent groups instead of the federal government. Its goals included strengthening 'family values' by fighting abortions, pornography, homosexuality, bigotry, and religious persecution, and by endorsing prayer in public places such as schools" (Answers, 2007). Although there is much respect for this coalition, there has also been a lot of negativity which has surrounded it, particularly in more recent years, as there are many people who are openly frustrated about the organization. There are
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) Assignment
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Assignment Example in the extraction process, oil sands production cost is relatively high and therefore investments in oil sands are quite sensitive to persistent changes in oil prices. Gas emissions into the air, water pollution, toxic tailing ponds and the chances of oil spills from pipelines in the oil producing areas are environmental concerns in tar sand processing (Miller 456).  According to Kuuskra( 3), shale is a close grained, sedimentary rock made up of mud from flakes of clay minerals and small particles of other materials, which is processed to produce natural gas and oil. Large deposits of shale are found in â€Å"United States, China, Argentina, Algeria, Canada, Mexico and Libya†(kuuskra 9). Extraction process starts with identifying economically viable well areas. Then, horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing methods are used in the extraction process. In the hydraulic fracturing method, hydrocarbon in a shale formation is released by injecting water, chemicals and sand into a well. â€Å"Release of the hydrocarbon opens fractures in the rock allowing the natural gas to flow into the well†. (â€Å"exploration and extraction of shale†10). Use of both methods together enables economical extraction of the shale gas. Unfortunately, mining of shale leads to pollution of the environment through emission of toxic gases in the air and also a poses a great danger to aquatic life if poisonous materials leaks in to the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Group Counselling Essay Example for Free
Group Counselling Essay In an effective functioning group, the members are striving to carry what they are learning in a session into their everyday lives. They do this by formulating plans to practice between sessions, by making a commitment to do homework assignments and by practicing a variety of new behaviors outside of the group. Perhaps the two most important phases of a group are its beginning and its end. The beginning because that is where the tone of the group is set; the end because that is where learning is consolidated and action plans are typically formulated. (pg 164) There are some tasks to be carried out during the closing session! (ending a group) * Members are encouraged to complete any ‘unfinished businesses’ they may have with other group members or the leader. * Members are taught how to carry with them what they’ve learned and esp. how to talk to significant people in their lives. * Members are assisted in making specific plans for change and in taking concrete steps to put the lessons learnt into effect in their daily lives. * Leaders help members discover ways of creating their own support systems after they leave the group. * Specific plans for follow-up and evaluation are made. NB. The more behavioral approaches like; transactional analysis, behavioral group therapy, RE behavior therapy and reality therapy – place primary emphasis on the above mentioned tasks. This owing to the belief that, members ought to consolidate their learning, practice homework assignments and develop a specific action plan, if they expect to make significant changes in their lives. Body: Time is limited in a group counseling session. The leader therefore, constantly remains aware of that and teaches participants how to best use the time available to them. Leaders also need to train members on how to pace themselves so that they do not wait until the end of the session to introduce work that cannot be addressed in the short time remaining. Good Practice to Carry Out When Ending a Session: I. Asking Members to Sum up! The leader may allow about 10min at the end of a session for members to summarize what the session has meant to them individually. Some questions that may be asked to help members consolidate their learning include; a) Could you briefly summarize what the session has meant for you? b) What steps towards your goal are you willing to take between now and our next session to make changes in your life? c) Was there anything unfinished for you today that you would like to continue in our next meeting? d) What was the most important thing that you experienced during this meeting? e) What touched you most in other people’s work today? f) What did you learn about yourself? g) Did you get what you wanted from this session? (what in specific?) Questions like these assist members in identifying specific behaviors they must want to change, both in the group and in daily life. They also reinforce their commitment to make changes. II. Dealing with Unfinished Work! In the case that some work in a session isn’t going to be finished before the group ends, the leader can help bring a sense of closure simply by acknowledging those incomplete explorations or feelings that are left unspoken. This he can do by simply asking the client to differ the discussion until the next session. For example, â€Å"Since we’re running out of time today, would you be willing to reflect on it a bit between now and the next meeting, maybe do some writing, and bring it up again then!†#Activity during this time# Psychodrama: There is a procedure for closing a group session in Psychodrama that increases the chances that members will be able to identify and deal with unfinished business. Psychodrama emphasizes allowing enough time for the sharing and discussion phase for each session. #Sharing which comes first, consists of nonjudgmental statements about oneself. Then after the personal sharing, time is allotted for a discussion of the group process. Members who have engaged in a role-playing enactment are invited to share their reactions to those roles. Others are asked to tell members who participated in a psychodrama enactment how they were personally affected by the work and what they learned from it. III. Arrange Homework Assignments! Having members announce Homework assignments or some means of carrying further the work they have done in a session, and then report on the same, at the beginning of the next session is a closing technique – it also links the ending session to the next. Homework can be deviced by members themselves or the leader. Keeping in line with behavioral approach, it is important for leaders to teach members that; â€Å"the crucial change is the one that takes place in the real world.†And this is where homework comes in handy. The main point is that insight alone rarely results in behavioral change. [‘Insight needs to be translated into action for change to occur’ – premise of the Adlerian Perspective.]pg. 168. IV. Making Your Own Comments and Assesments! Leaders may form a practice of giving their reactions, a group process commentary or a summary of the meeting towards the end of the session. Leaders might comment on; * The cohesion of the group * The degree to which members freely brought up topics for work * The willingness to take risks and talk about unsafe topics * The degree to which they interacted with one another (as opposed to speaking only directly to and through the leader) * Their willingness to discuss difficult concerns Leaders might use write up notes about each session during the week and use those comments at the beginning of the next session as a catalyst for linking the sessions! Another way to close session is to set apart the last 5min for members to fill out brief rating/assessment sheets. The ratings can be tallied in a few minutes and the results presented at the beginning of the next session. A rating scale of 1-5 can be used. Questions that can be asked include; a) To what degree were you involved in this session? b) To what degree were you willing to take risks in the group? c) To what degree did you trust other members in the group? d) To what degree has today’s session stimulated you to think about your problems, your life situation, or possible decisions you might want to make? e) To what degree were you willing to share what you were feeling and thinking in the session today? f) To what extent are you willing to actively practice some new behavior this week? g) To what degree did you prepare yourself or think about this session before you came today? h) To what degree are you willing to non-defensively take the feedback you receive and consider it carefully? i) To what degree did you see the group as productive today?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Room of Ones Own :: Classics, Feminism, Womans Right, Virginia Woolf
A Room of Ones Own Hundreds of years ago, an unconscious culture diseased the female population. Similar to Shakespeare's sister, women were conditioned to conform to a feminine ideology. This concept of femininity spread through out the country essentially defining the nature of a woman and robbing them of their innate sense of self. While women may have dreamed about the day when their creative spirit could be unleashed, those dreams were quickly interrupted by the powerful grasp of male dominance. By repressing women, the feminine role of dependency and obedience was maintained. In return, society's power structure became refueled and the patriarchy was perpetuated. Through time the power structure has broken down, however, I believe Shakespeare's sister continues to exist in many women, still in search of a "room of one's own". Virginia Woolf stressed the importance of having a room of one's own or a place to discover and explore the creative self. She encourages the young women to develop the habit of freedom and the courage to write exactly what they think. More than seventy years later, Woolf's words remain applicable. Women are still struggling to confront the courage and "†¦face the fact†¦that there is no arm to cling to†¦". For, while the societal barriers have disappeared, the mental barriers have not. Though few women are expected to be submissive and obedient, the ideology of the feminine role continues to starve women's souls. The pressure to get married and have children while pushing one's personal desires and passions aside persists. Thus, when a woman's soul is in a state of
Monday, November 11, 2019
Peter Abelard
Peter Abelard was born in Pallet, France on April 21st 1079. His father was in a military career but Peter followed the academic path studying dialectic. Later in his teens he went to school in Paris called Notre-Dame de Paris, William of Champeaux taught him. After being taught for a while Peter began to question William and argue against him. It was William’s school where Abelard’s application of logic all began. At the young age of only twenty-two he set up his first school in Melun, he later moved his school to Corbeil, which was near Paris, for more direct competition. Soon after he moved his school his health suffered from over working. After his return he found William lecturing at a monastic retreat outside the city, and there they once again became rivals. Abelard was again victorious, and now stood supreme to William. Abelard later set up a school on the heights of Montagne Sainte-Genevieve which over looked Notre-Dame. From his successes in dialect he next turned to theology and attended some lectures of Anselm at Laon. His triumph was complete; the pupil was able to give lectures, without previous training or special study, which were acknowledged superior to those of the master. Abelard was now at the height of his fame. He stepped into the chair at Notre-Dame, being also nominated canon, about the year 1115. After this crowds of thousands of students surrounded Abelard. During all this fame he encountered romance. Living with the precincts of Notre-Dame under the care of her uncle, Fulbert, he met a girl named Heloise. Abelard soon fell in love with her. He became a tutor to this girl and he used his power for the purpose of seduction. Soon everyone seemed to know about this romance except for Fulbert and as soon as he found out they were separated. They now could only meet in secret. She soon became pregnant and at this time Abelard took her home to Brittney where she gave birth to a baby boy. Abelard proposed a secret marriage so that he did not mar his prospects of advancement in the church. Heloise opposed this idea but eventually gave in to pressure. Fulbert did not keep the secret of marriage and spread the word despite his promise to Abelard to not say anything. Fulbert then became physically and verbally abusive towards. Abelard removed her secretly from him house and took her to seek refuge in the convent of Argenteuil. Immediately Fulbert, believing that Abelard had taken her away to be rid of her plotted revenge. That night he and some others broke into Abelard’s chamber and castrated him! The priesthood and ecclesiastical office were canonically closed to him. Heloise consummated her work of self-sacrifice and became a nun. This how ever only affected his work temporarily and. After he gradually turned again to studying he reopened his school in the priory of Maisonceile. His work was effected, but only for the good, Abelard stated in the Historia, that â€Å"the hand of the lord had touched me for the express purpose of freeing me from the temptations of the flesh and the distractions of the world so that I could devote myself to learning and there by prove myself a true photosphere not of the world but of god. †He soon published all of his theological lectures and that was when his advisories discovered his rationalistic interpretation of the Trinitarian dogma. This upset many people and he was forced to burn the book and he was also held captive in the convent of St. Medard at Soissons. He thought that this would be the worst experience that he would ever have to go through. One of the things that he did enjoy doing at convent was irritating the monks. He soon decided that life in the monastery was unbearable so he was able to go and live in a desert place until it was time for his persecution. He built himself a small cabin and he turned into a hermit. Soon after he moved to the desert students from Paris began to flock to him and he began teaching again. Fearing prosecution yet another persecution for teaching when he was not to be he found another refuge far off shore of lower Brittney. There among other thing he wrote his famous Historia Calamitatum. The pope lifted his sentence and he spent the remaining eighteen months of his life at Cluny, a sister-house of St. Marcel at Chalon, where he rested during his last sickness. The most important thing to always remember Abelard is his scholastic manner of philosphisizing. Even though he got into trouble with the church and society, still had a great impact on the medieval times and changed many lives.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
It Is Good to Be Different Essay
Everyone is different, and each of us has its own personality Owned. But it is nice to be different? Be distinguished from the others. What is to be different? Do you feel alone, living in their different world†¦ It is hard to be different. Everyone sees you as an outsider and will not accept in their world. Among them is the fear that something more of them, others see it as something more unworthy and unnecessary. It is hard to be different because its not easily find their soul mates. Difficult to discover someone to like you, someone who will understand. It is sad to be different among the same, because they close with anyone and any attempt to approximate and can leave severe damage in your soul. Because it is difficult to accept that others do not they understand they are not valued, you do not want to even be friends, and constantly must prove to them. To prove that you’re just as human as they are! But it is unique to be different. When all have the same opinion – you have their own unique views. When all looking in one direction, you turn in a completely different and surprise everyone with current and interesting ways in your different way of thinking. Yeah, you’re different, you is difficult, but it makes the center of attention of those looking for someone with different interests, someone who does not need another to do something. You’re individualist who succeeds in life alone, not like someone else. Need to be different. What would happen to the world if there were no diversity? What would happen to mankind if all the same, if everyone liked the same things? I think different people are those who run the big machine of existence. Others are crowds, the masses people who individually do not have anything important – is it just because it has others. Such people namitrat his idols, some of which are similar to podarzhavat, no matter whether this would be an actor, singer, politician .. They can not I find myself in this endeavor to impersonate someone, someone who will like the rest. But does it make sense in this, trying to impersonate another may not post when you find yourself in nature and vocation? Is not more sense then your whole existence? Is then you can prove yourself when you actually already exist? Well, is it nice to be different? You are unique, you need the world, then what the hell that must be fought with generally accepted standards? Difficult things make life meaningful. Because when everything is easy, you lose the stimulus-ambition dies. Did not the person seeking to grow inaccessible. Yes, it’s nice to be different, because everything different is good, it will not duplicate it unique!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Essay Sample on Teaching for Students with Diverse Cultural Backgrounds
Essay Sample on Teaching for Students with Diverse Cultural Backgrounds Teachers possess enormous responsibility inside their classrooms. They are entrusted with the job of teaching children skills that they will need for their futures. In order to do their job well and with success, teachers must be prepared to teach in all kinds of environments with different types of situations. A teacher must take into account all of the student’s different learning styles, how quickly or slowly a student takes to understand a certain subject, and nowadays, a teacher must understand and adapt to how a child was raised and what culture they grew up in. In the article, â€Å"Teaching Middle School Students with Diverse Cultural Backgroundsâ€Å", Walter Callahan, discusses different techniques and strategies when teaching a diverse group of students. In order to teach students, a teacher must understand where they come from and what their beliefs are. Callahan worked in Florida so the article mainly focuses on Hispanic and Haitian cultures. He writes that Haitian and Hispanic cultures might not be accustomed to sitting at individual desks or thinking critically and independently. He also states that in Hispanic cultures it is considered polite to arrive late for an event. This obviously would upset a teacher who does not know this because those students would not think that they were doing anything wrong by attending class tardy. If a teacher were to reprimand the students or mark down their grades, they are more than likely to be confused and not comprehend why they are being treated that way by their teacher. Also in most Hispanic cultures, it is believed that when a child looks directly into an adults’ eyes when they are being spoken to, they are being disrespectful. Callahan writes, â€Å"New students from the Haitian and Hispanic cultures have their expectations and behaviors deeply rooted in their cultures- in what is valued as a response and in the respect given the teacher as an imparter of knowledge (Callahan p123). In order for a teacher to be successful in a classroom, they must learn how to teach children from all different backgrounds and what would be most helpful for their students. A teaching technique that Callahan uses is cooperative-learning groups. In these groups, the students are expected to share ideas and work together. Because Hispanic and Haitian students are not used to sitting at individual desks, the cooperative-learning groups may aid these students in not feeling isolated. Cooperative-learning groups have also been shown to increase self-esteem. Callahan also mentions strategies that permit the teacher to spend extra time with the students individually. Our nation, especially in California, is getting more and more diverse everyday. It would be easy to ignore that fact and not learn how to work together. When in a classroom, however, it is imperative for teachers to adjust to the diverse cultures that they may have in their classrooms. Just like their students, teachers are constantly learning, too. If they are a good teacher, they are learning about the different cultures and how to accommodate their students so that all of them have the same opportunity to learn. Teachers have a very important job. They, along with the parents, are responsible for shaping young peoples’ minds. In order to do this, they must realize that not everyone learns the same and not everyone comes from the same background, culturally or environmentally. If teachers learn how to adapt to this, then they have successfully learned how to create an excellent learning environment for all of their students. You can also order a custom term paper, research paper, thesis, dissertation or essay on teaching from our professional custom essay writing company which provides students with high-quality custom written papers. Here is a list of the most popular teaching essay topics: What is Communicative Language Teaching and is there any place for it in EFL teaching? Teaching Games For Understanding The Teaching of English as a Foreign Language How questionning can be used as an effective teaching strategy? Technology and Teaching Aids My Philosphy of Teaching Teaching Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Collaboration in Teaching Interdisciplinary Teaching Teaching in America and Canada Teaching Pronunciation Teaching Middle School Students With Diverse Cultural Backgrounds Suicide Prevention Teaching Plan Teaching values to children Good Teaching: A Guide for Students Explain how the teaching of discipleship Might affect the life of a Christian Teaching Tolerance in the USA Teaching What do I Feel will be My Biggest Challenge? Teaching of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) Teaching adults to read
Monday, November 4, 2019
Inflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Inflation - Essay Example There are different reasons that contribute to inflation in any economy which varies in terms of supply and demand of commodities in supply and the means of exchange (Baumol & Blinder, 2011, p 37). According to economists, moderate or low economic inflation can be caused by the increase in demand of commodities or the scarcity on the side of suppliers. On the other hand, hyperinflation is attributed to high supply of currency in the market in which the individual who possesses it buys commodities at high prices than they ought to cost under normal circumstances. This has ever been witnessed in different countries where currencies have inflated to trigger an economic threat to the businesses within the society. In attempts to curb the inflation from rising to hyperinflation, various methods have been implemented which have led to stabilisation of the economy and improve the predictability of the market conditions. In United Kingdom, UK inflation happened and the country implemented va rious methods that led to balancing of the economy so that investors could continue to invest in that economy. In looking at the effects of inflation, it is good to consider the various things that lead to it and means that can be used to control it with a practical example of a country that has ever been affected and implemented some methods they used to control it with a focus at the advantages and disadvantages of those methods. In the economy, there are different explanations that economists give as the causes of the economic inflation that affect nation; these are given according to the different types of inflation that are found within an area. In general, the general causes of inflation plays around supply and demand of various things in the market that have direct influence of on the prices of the commodity to be bought. This means that abundance or scarcity of a particular determinant of trade i.e. goods or services and means of exchange, can cause prices of the commodities to rise within a short period. Following this perception, the abundance on the side of demand causes prices to go high because of the competition that arise from the different buyers who are interested in a particular commodity. The other perspective that causes inflation is the scarcity on the side of the supply where only little products over which buyers compete to attain making the sellers to determine the buyer through high prices that are attainable by just a few of them. From this perspective, there are two major categorisation of inflation in the economy, which are dependent on supply and demand in the market where individuals trade and which include moderate and high rate or hyperinflation (Credan, 2006, p45). Moderate inflation is caused by different situation of the demand and supply of the products in the market and can result from increase in the demand for products or reduction of supply. As a result of increased demand for goods or services, many customers that requi re a particular product contest for it financially and can lead to high prices of such products as in accordance to the law of demand that says that the higher the demand, the lower the supply and hence, the higher the price of the commodity. This results to inflation because
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analysis highlighting the relationship of marketing theory to Essay
Analysis highlighting the relationship of marketing theory to marketing practice - Essay Example ding, with universities offering courses on "Entrepreneurship" and "Small Business Management" in their curriculum, so as to inculcate the desire and the interest of the students to start their own ventures when they graduate, and associations supporting entrepreneurs springing up, to help in funding and other networking contacts needed to do business. (Mpofu, 2007) Entrepreneurship is the concept of initiative taking by a person, with the acceptance of all the risks and rewards, by capitalizing on an opportunity which was unseen by the rest. The idea is great, since it brings together the uniqueness of thoughts as well as the creativity of the common man to the front end, and helps in the start up of business, where the man is his own boss, and with no one to regulate the decision making process, or the ultimate decisions taken. (Gundry, 2007) Marketing is also one of the oldest and the most creative disciplines in the field of business. Marketing is about making such a lucrative offer to the customer that they cannot help but buy the product you are selling. The marketing done by an entrepreneur is slightly different from the marketing done by any large, established business. But that is what the theory says. Let us examine the relationship between the marketing theory and marketing practice of an entrepreneurs marketing. (Kerin, 2004) The entrepreneur chosen for this report is Mr. Boston Rift, who has opened an entrepreneurial venture by the name of "Book your Books". He has booked small stalls, or shops within the premises of four renowned business universities of the city. And his business is to supply the students with the books that they need for each semester, freeing them up of the hassle to go to this faraway wholesale book market and buy it. Every academic year in each university has two semesters, Spring and Fall. And every semester, on an average, a student has 6 courses that he has to study. Every teacher prescribes a book to be bought for the
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